part 29

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"his name is hansol" mark and i said proudly at the same time.

he was beautiful. he was perfect.

i stared at my sons face. he was soft and precious. i wouldn't let anyone hurt him. ever.

hansol giggled as i caressed his face. i smiled widely and turned to mark. "hold our baby" i said he smiled so wide as he held his arms out bringing our son into his embrace. " daddy's here" he said calmly and sweetly.

everything was perfect.


my two baby's slept peaceful besides me, i mean mark and my baby.

i stared at them.
they were my happiness.
they were what shewed away those nightmares. i loved my little family. it all happened so quickly but i wouldn't trade it for the world.


"its been said that mark lee's son has been born sir. its also been said that he will be the strongest hybrid ever to exist." a man said

"let their little happiness last a bit before i bring them terrors." the man in charge chuckled drinking from his cup a red substitute.

~mrs.choi pov~

its almost been a year since y/n left. every day i prayed that she would come visit us at least to say shes okay.

i wish she would've stayed a bit longer so that i could tell her what will happen in her up coming birthday, which is in 2 months.
although she doesn't know i strongly believe she can handle it.
she is my daughter after all.

"her birthday is in 2 months" i reminded my husband sighing afterwards.

he took my hand into his and looked at me.

"she will be fine. shes the strongest person i've ever seen. there's nothing we can do about it now. we have no idea where she is."

he was right. but that didn't cover the fact that i missed her dearly.

sorry for the late & short update haha
also we hit 1k!! thank you for your support love ya!

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