part 23

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it was really hard deciding what i would do with this chapter. enjoy :)

"two lines positive, one line negative" we both said while looking at the test in front of us.

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i stared at the test. i felt tears coming. not sadness or anger. not hate or fear. i felt happiness. i felt as if my world might just get better. i would start a family with the love of my life. with the person i've loved for so long. with the person i would love for eternity.

i smiled. mark did the same.

"we're having a baby" i said to mark still a bit shocked.

mark turned me around and hugged me, it was the warmest out of all. i hugged him back feeling happy.

suddenly i felt my shirt getting wet.

"mark are you crying?" i asked with my eyebrow raised

"yes" he said sniffling

mark kissed me and pulled away.

i took his hand and we walked out to tell the guys the news but they were already celebrating.


"wait does this mean they did the nasties?" chenle asked jisung.
"like kissing? gross" jisung responded as chenle walked away feeling disappointed.


johnny is actually a doctor that specializes in everything, which means he will be the one that checks the babies health ,sex, etc

feeling excited we had to know everything asap!

"lay down for me y/n" johnny said and i did as he said.

mark was by my side caressing my hand putting circles on it with his thumb.

"okay can you lift up your shirt" johnny said. as i was pulling up my shirt mark spoke "hold up why? perv" i facepalmed and looked at him. "for an ultrasound dummy"
"oh right"

i lifted my shirt and johnny put the cold gel on my stomach.

he put the thingy on my tummy moving it around looking at the screen in front of him.

"heres the baby, its still very small so i cant tell you the sex yet."

mark and i smiled widely looking at our beautiful creation. he held my hand tightly. "our baby.." i said

johnny looked at the baby for a few minutes checking its health.

"looks good so far, congratulations!" johnny said

the chapter was short but now you know ! team boy or team girl??

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