part 13

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we entered headquarters feeling tired from our recent mission.

"ugh imma go sleep till my ass falls off" i said out loud and everyone felt the same way.

mark and i entered the room at time. we both plopped down on the huge bed and just laid there. eyes closed but we were still awake.

"hey mark?" i asked mark half awake. "what's up?" he responded also half awake. "whats kun's story? ive always wondered."

marks opened his eyes and thought a bit. he took a deep breath.
"well he might have one of the darkest pasts, out of all of us."

my eyebrow lifted. "why is that?" i ask.  "both his siblings..and the love of his life, and his parents were killed right in front of him. and he couldn't do anything about it. and he blames himself for it. he wants revenge like us." he said

"oh my god" i didn't have any words to say..

mark continued talking "he was determined to kill every single person who even dares hurt our kind. he asked us to join his gang. and of course we accepted. THIS is all he has. WE are all he has."

i was still trying to process the information i was just told. i dont know if i could bare seeing more people die in front of me. and thats how kun earned all of my respect..

mark and i fell asleep after our conversation.

"NOO- KILL ME NOT HER..I BEG YOU.." i screamed loudly.

mark held me trying to calm me down. "shh.. its okay.." i cried into his chest. "why.. why her.." i sobbed until there weren't tears left in my eyes. "its okay princess" mark made me feel calmer. he didn't ask me what was wrong because it was clear that i had a nightmare. i stood up wiping my tears away. i hated crying in front of others. i hated it so much.

mark stood up and looked at me in the eyes. "you don't have to hide those tears from me." i looked down and looked back up at him and nodded. he gave me a hug. and i returned it.

"choi y/n will you spend the rest of eternity with me.?" he asked me. (asking her to be his gf)

i looked at him in the eyes.

"of course i will.." i smiled and mark picked me up spinning me around multiple times. kissing me in the lips then putting me on solid ground.

"oh i almost forgot" mark said as he pulled out a necklace from his pocket."i got you this." it was a beautiful necklace with a rose dangling at the bottom. it was familiar.. "its the same one i gave you before the war" he put the necklace around my neck. i smiled at him. "i love it."


"i love you choi y/n and i will always come back for you..i promise" he left, running into the darkness.

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