part 32

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mark and i were now walking away from my parents house. i didn't tell them about hansol. but i didn't regret not telling them, i was disappointed. i felt like a dumbass. what else were they hiding?

we reached the car and mark opened the door for me as he usually did. "thanks" i said quietly but loud enough for him to hear it.

mark entered the car and looked in front of him. "are you planning on telling them?" he said turning to look at me in the eyes. i looked back at him but i didn't know the answer to his question i was clueless. i didn't know what to do next. "i don't know mark.." i said and looked down trying to figure it out.

i felt marks hand on my thigh. he caressed it up and down. "don't think to hard about it babe. we have plenty of time. i think we should worry more about what that power can do" he said and i nodded. a few moments ago i had received all that power. it felt great. but just the fact that it was hidden away from me made me feel like shit. mark was write i should find out what this power can do.

we drove home. mark was getting pretty good at dad jokes, which scares me.
on the way home he kept cracking stupid jokes that made me smile the way only mark has seen.

once we arrived i felt dizzy with a headache. mark noticed this and took me inside to sit on the couch. he led me to sit down but i began to run to the restroom feeling a rush of vomit coming in. i threw up in the toilet. mark ran towards me to caress my back in attempt to make me feel better. at this point we knew that my body was having a hard time adjusting to all the new power that i had just received.

"shit man" i said sitting on the floor with mark. i sighed "i guess the power's pretty powerful haha"

i been busy haha :)
anyway pls voteee
sorry its short
also pls go check out the smut ;)

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