part 19

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kun pointed his gun at jay. making him flinch, closing his eyes and turning away.

"lets go inside i wanna play" i said out loud. kun didn't keep his eyes off the man. "i agree with y/n"
kun smirked as we all walked inside the mans home.

the inside of the house looked plain. everything was so organized. so clean. i noticed some pictures on the wall. there was a picture of a woman in a wedding dress. the picture looked very old. i wonder what happened to the woman.

kun threw jay to the floor. we all watched as kun did what he needed to do.

kun grabbed a chair. "sit down"
before you knew it kun had thrown the chair at the man max strength, leaving us shocked by his actions.

jay whimpered in pain.

"HOW DOES IT FEEL?" kun yelled at the man. the man didn't say a word the whole time. "ANSWER ME" kun began to get angry.

jay spit on kun, looking him in the eyes. "i dont regret the shit i did." jay said to kun. "i dont give a fuck if you kill me. ill still haunt you. till you die." jay began to laugh looking at the ceiling.

i couldn't take the sight. i wanted to see him suffer. i took out my knife, i threw it at him. it stabbed him deep in the leg.

"AGHH" jay screamed in pain. everyone looked at me with a DAMN face.

i slowly walked towards jay. he was still wincing in pain.

i grabbed him forcefully by the hair and made him look at my now scary bright red eyes. his body shook in surprise, he was bad at not showing me how terrified he was.

i looked at him in the eyes as my hand grabbed his hair. "finish your rant." i said. my hand was burning up a bit. (remember she has fire powers)

"i-i-" he struggled to speak his words since my hands temperature was increasing, giving the top of his head pain.

i chuckled and let his hair go. a large portion of his hair was now gone.

"damn my girlfriends a weave snatcher" mark said out loud once again. "dude" lucas said looking at mark with the look.

i slapped jays face. a tear fell from my face. his face brought back unwanted memories. *smack smack smack.* i slapped his face three more times. as more tears fell from my face. jay was loopy, he was old he would die soon anyway.

mark hugged me from the back making me stop. "let them handle the rest." he whispered and i nodded. i couldn't take seeing the mans face any longer.


mark and i walked to the car. more like mark walked. i had my legs wrapped around his waist as he carried me to the car.

*in the car*
i had my head on marks shoulder, falling asleep until we heard a loud gun shot. i sighed in relief thinking jay wouldn't hurt anyone anymore.

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