part 10

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i heard the person scream from downstairs reminding me of my mom. i WilL nEveR escaPe hEr

i peeked in the dining room and noticed that mark didn't even try to cover his hickeys. so the savage that i am i said 'fuck it'

i ran to my room and changed into my previous outfit. and walked into the dining room, head high. everyone noticed my hickeys, but who gives a fuck.

i walked up to mark who was smiling.

and sat down next to him.
*wow what a savage*

mark was happy that i didn't cover them up. he gave me a kiss on the cheek and everyone awed.

"taeyong, when can i have a girlfriend?" jisung asked
"when you grow a mustache"

kun reminded everyone we would be leaving first thing in the morning.

we finished dinner and we thanked the mom as always.

me and mark were walking to our rooms. "so where are we moving to anyway" i asked him. "its pretty far." mark responded. "ive never left this town it would be nice" mark looked a bit surprised "ill make sure to make it the best experience of your life" he winked at me making me a fucking tomato.

we got to his room "goodnight princess" he said sweetly and kissed my forehead. "goodnight, babe" i decided to stay in his room for the night. we slept his arm around my waist in a comfy position.

*in the morning*

"WAKEY WAKEY LOVE BIRDS" lucas says from the hallway, yet i heard him as if he screamed in my ear. i opened my right eye, noticing markie didn't wake up. i pecked his lips. he didn't wake up. i pecked them once more but except this time he responded to the kiss and made it a a deep long kiss.
"time to move~" i said

we both got our luggages and headed with the rest of the gang.

*in living room*

"everyone ready its a 3 hour flight" kun asked us all everyone nodded except for me, i was already tired just thinking about how long we would have to fly.

we all exited through the door, transformed, then followed kun through the trees. we all looked so powerful. this wasn't something someone would see on a regular day. we were unstoppable and fear less.

"feeling alright babe?" mark asked me, i nodded with a smile and we continued flying.

*at new headquarters*
"holy shit, its so beautiful i might shart" i said mouth widened
(a/n just imagine a huge building)

"its been spelled so we should be safe here" doyoung said

"after this your getting trained" mark said to me with a smirk so i guess he was training me.

we all entered the new headquarters and said "wahhhh" in sink. it looked so nice, so clean.

"welcome to our new home guys" johnny said wiping away a fake tear

"oh i forgot to tell y'all, there is only 21 rooms so mark and y/n will share a room which im sure they wont mind" lucas said with an awkward laugh.

"y-yeah im fine with that" i responded happy level a lot a bit.
mark winked at lucas and lucas winked back. what's happening?

"go unpack guys when you're done come down to eat some breakfast" taeyong said and we all left to our new rooms.

mark and i walked around the huge headquarters trying to find our room.

"there it is" i said pointing at a door. we walked inside to find a room the size of our old living room. "fuck its so huge" i said loudly. mark giggled. "thats what she said" mark laughed so hard and fell on the floor hitting his elbow on the floor, then making me kiss it better.

we unpacked our bags in our closet and headed downstairs for breakfast.

*in dining room*

taeyong bought us donuts and coffee except for jaemin, he got a drink as black as my soul, god knows what it was.

"so about this training..what exactly am i training for?" i asked my beautiful amazing boy.

"im going to teach you how to fight, shoot a gun, kill a bitch, make one shot kills, have my kids-"
"wait what?!"

*after breakfast & my morning routine*

"im going to take a shower and we can start the training after that" mark said and i nodded.

i was using my phone looking at videos of dogs farting when i saw a message from mark.
'im stuck on the toilet'

sorry for the short chapter :(

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