part 26

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"okay lets check out this baby"

today we had an appointment with johnny.

johnny once again put the gel on and checked on it carefully.

i noticed that johnny looked at the screen in surprise. his eyes were a bit wide.

"whats wrong johnny? is everything okay?" i asked worried for my baby. johnny looked at mark and i and began to speak.

"i cant be completely sure about this..its extremely rare and almost never happens." johnny struggled a bit and i began to worry.. a lot.

"johnny tell us now." mark said.

"i didn't see this before but theres a second baby.." johnny said but mark didn't let him finish his sentence. "gosh i was worried-"

"but the second fetus is dead.." i looked at johnny, my eyes tearing.

johnny continued "this almost never happens with hybrids. but when it does. all the powers from the dead baby is given to the baby that is alive. in this case your baby boy"

my tears were flowing down one after the other. i never knew i was pregnant with two. but now i'm getting the news that i was and that one of them died? how was i supposed to take in all this information at once?

"if i'm right the baby that survived will be twice as powerful as any other hybrid...but as i said i might be wrong we would have to find that out in the future" johnny said

all this information made me insane. it made me question what my second baby did to deserve this. it made me think horrible things.

mark and i looked at the screen and we saw a dead figure besides a live one.

we all stayed silent until johnny spoke again.

"i'm sorry..i was so stupid. i don't know how i didn't see the second baby. its all my-"

"stop. its not your fault." mark said his eyes were teary and his voice was shaky.

"johnny are we done?" i asked. i wanted to leave the room. i wanted the room to burn to ashes.

"yeah we're done.." johnny felt guilty in every way possible.

"thanks johnny" i gave him a fake small smile and left with marks arm around my shoulder.

once we exited that room mark hugged me with all his might.
i cried on his shoulder as i mumbled. "why..why..why mark." tears were streaming down our faces. mark spoke softly "i don't know baby... i don't know."


i looked out the window.

i could see my red eyes in the reflection. the sky was blue and beautiful. i looked at the stars. they shined. the day i died i would be one of those stars.
there this hell i felt would turn into peace.

life continues. i had a child to raise. which would be extremely powerful if johnny was correct. he would bring peace to this world. that is if peace exists. i will fight. until i have nothing to fight for. or until these nightmares swallow me whole.

hybrids | mark leeWhere stories live. Discover now