part 7

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"i-its beautiful mark" you were amazed at his work.

"i'm glad you like it, i've been saving it for you..once we found out you were alive, i spent my time working on this. hoping for you would like it." his words struck you, you were amazed, this man..why do i feel this way about him...why do i want to hug him every time i see him.why

"well i don't like it" i said
mark pouted a bit feeling a bit sad.
i went up to him and touched the art. i stepped close to him and whispered into his ear. "i love it"

he smiled widely and so did i, i gave him a hug and he hugged me back "thank you for making this for me, mark" he just held my waist tighter which kinda turned me on not gonna lie.

we released from the hug and it seemed to be time to get down to business. the drawing was quite big , but i didn't want to change anything about it. it didn't matter though, this tattoo will represent me and where i stand.

"where ,and how big do you want it?" mark asked me he was excited to get to ink my skin.

i sat down where he would be tattooing me.

"i want it that same size" i responded
mark raised an eyebrow "thats a bit big are you sure?"
"yes, I'm sure, and..."

i grabbed marks hand. i pulled it towards me and put it on my thigh.
"i want it from here" i said and i moved his hand going up my hip area. "to here" i did this while staring into his eyes. occasionally he would look down at my lips licking his own. soon he moved closer to my face, holding my jaw lightly with his hand. he moved closer to me . his lips were now placed on mine we both closed our eyes and enjoyed the moment.
he moved his lips in rhythm with mine,his soft lips were so addicting. i put my hands on his neck deepening the kiss. he bit my lip which turned me on even more. my hormones were a mess.

"hey mark are you busy? can you- omg i'm so sorry" jaehyun said, now exiting the room.

i ended the kiss and i hid my head on his chest feeling embarrassed after jaehyun caught us making out. i could feel my cheeks getting hot .

mark held my face lightly making me look at him. he was smiling.
"you're so cute when your embarrassed" he teased chuckling, his hands were still on my waist.

"i think you'll have to take these off mam" he said pointing at my pants and smirking

"i know" i smirked back

mark went to lock the door, he didn't want the others to look at me without pants on. overprotective much? i think so

mark started to make the stencil. he was concentrated. he looked so hot doing it. without realizing he noticed me licking my lips while starring at him.
"like what you see babygirl?" he teased and i went back to reality i got a bit embarrassed.

mark was waiting for me to take off my pants so that he could put on the stencil. "turn around" i said trying to tease him . he sighed and turned around. i took off my pants and told him he could turn around.

mark slowly turned around and his eyes widened. he was admiring my body. "like what you see?" i teased him the same way he teased me.

"imma get this stencil on okay?"
i nodded and he bent down next to me and started to put on the stencil. he pressed down lightly on my thigh being precise making sure everything was perfect. once he got to my hip he spoke.

"can you hold this up for me?" i realized my panties were in the way of him putting on the stencil.

"yeah" i said and pulled it up so he could put the stencil on correctly.
he looked so hot just putting it on. i hate having these thoughts. i felt like if he kicked me in the face i would say thank you daddy. ugh why am i like this.

"lay down"
i did as he said he was preparing his tattoo gun, getting ready to ink me.

mark got closer to me and whispered in my ear in a sexual tone . "tell me when it hurts, okay babygirl?"

*time lapse*

"its ready! go look in the mirror"

i run up to the mirror. i looked at the tattoo mark just finished. it looked so nice so fresh so beautiful it was stunning.

i turned around to see mark smiling looking at his completed work i walked up to mark and gave him a hug "i love it" i said

i turned around to see mark smiling looking at his completed work i walked up to mark and gave him a hug "i love it" i said

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^ it looked somewhat like this.

*time lapse*

mark was all done with my tattoo and we walked to the living room to show the guys the result.
we were about to enter the living room until we heard a scream..

"THEY KISSED?!!" we heard haechan say mark ,and i face walled i guess everyone knows now *sigh*

we entered the living room

"the tattoo is done!" everyone got up to see the result i was wearing shorts now so they could see most of it.

"mark probably needed you to take off your pants , am i right?" yangyang said smirking followed by everyone agreeing.

"mark show y/n her room i just prepared it" kun told mark after they were done looking at my dragon. mark nodded and took my hand leading me to the room.

he intertwined our fingers which made me smile. i wish i could tell mom and dad how i feel about this guy. tell them i just had my first kiss. tell them i just got my first tattoo. i miss much...

to be continued~

uuu they kissed~
maybe they'll go to second base
*wink wonk*

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