part 5

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*regular pov*
*y/n's room 5 am*

y/n was sweating, she was having another nightmare "PLEASE DONT TAKE HER" "STOP..please stop"
mrs. choi entered the room worried about her daughter, she holds y/n close trying to calm her down. 'it must be her memories coming back' she thought 

"shh baby its okay im here, im here" y/n tightly holds her mom crying wondering why she had this dream

"mom."  "yes dear, what is it"
"did i used to have a older sister named luna?" y/n looks at her moms eyes waiting for a response

"yes y/n, and she loved you dearly" mrs.choi said now crying also
shocked y/n cries even more.
"why didn't you ever tell me?
why didn't i remember her?" y/n starts to question her mother. tears still visible in her eyes.

her mom sits to where she can look at y/n in the eyes and takes a deep breath "we erased your memories so that you wouldn't remember the horrible way she died. which was..right in front of you. it was the day we all remember as the 'hybrid genocide' or 'the war'."

"i saw it mom.. in my dream, the war i saw my sister being beaten in front me she was screaming in pain, ..and i couldn't help her" she sobs and sobs hugging her mom. "why do humans hate us so much? , why mom why? why did they have to kill luna. why wont they just accept who we are!" y/n screams feeling angry and sad at the same time. her eyes turned bright red.

"i ask myself those same questions every single day y/n" y/n's mom caresses her red hair brushing it with her fingertips easing the pain she was feeling. she knew it wasn't going to be easy for her to get threw it . all she could do was hug her and tell her it would get better.
one day her daughter will get revenge on the people who hurt her kind. and mrs. choi will support her no matter what.

*y/n pov*

my mom left once she made sure i was feeling a bit better. even if i had so much to think about . i wanted to see my friends so i decided to get ready for school.
i did my routine. and picked out a outfit. i decided to wear this.

i walked downstairs feeling a bit refreshed

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i walked downstairs feeling a bit refreshed. i saw my dad cooking breakfast. "hi dad"
my dad looked back at me with a smile "hey sweetie" he put my breakfast in front of me and started to talk to me in a way i felt comforting "she loved you so much, before she left....she told me and your mom to make sure you had a happy life . she wouldn't have wanted you to be sad over her death she wanted you to be happy, always.. keep fighting for her dont make her death be in vain." he smiled at me and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

i took what my dad said to the heart i will fight for justice..i will fight for the people who died, the people who lost their family members, loved ones, and lives, no matter what.

i said goodbye to my dad with a smile on my face and flew to school i smiled for luna , i smiled because she was my new reason to keep fighting.

i saw mark standing at the secret porch. it was early so there was no point in going in yet.

"hey mark" he smiled at me "i got my schedule" he said
"oo let me see" i looked at his schedule and turns out we had every class together "we have every single class together, i'll introduce you to my friends" i was excited

*mark pov*

i really want to tell y/n about the guys but im not sure how she'll react. how do you tell someone your in a gang without them freaking out? i have to tell her before it gets dangerous for her here.

"y/n wanna come to my house later? i want you to meet some people" (haha a gang)

"yeah sure i have nothing else better to do anyway" she said gosh shes so adorable.

*after school*
*y/n pov*

me and mark were walking to his house which was surprisingly kind of close to mine.

"we're here" mark said
he held my hand making me blush leading me into his house.

"im home!" mark said
but uh i wasn't expecting a bunch of guys to come running down the stairs screaming "they're here, they're here" they all lined up staring at us. but before it got awkward mark started to talk
"y/n we need to talk to you its a bit serious" i didn't feel uncomfortable for some reason, i felt welcomed by all the guys smiling at me i returned the smiles as we headed to a office.

the office was a bright and welcoming it was a light green color. mark showed me where to sit and i waited for someone to tell me what the heck was going on.

they were all sitting around me and i was starting to get a bit nervous.

mark took a deep breath before he decided to speak.
"y/n these are my best friends"
"nice to meet you" i say still confused "please don't freak out when i say this okay?"
i nodded in agreement i just wanted him to tell me.

"we're a gang" mark said
hold up like a gang gang ? wait i promised i wouldn't freak out so ill let him finish.

"and we're all ...dragon hybrids"

y/n felt tears building up how was that possible ? this whole time there was 21 other dragon hybrids out there? she felt a tear fall

"i know its shocking but please hear us out..." i nodded i didn't even care if they were a gang they were my kind. they were survivors like me..

"we're called nct and we kill the people that have or plan to threaten the hybrids" mark waited for y/n to have a negative reaction but it was completely the opposite

y/n smiled she felt happy they were bringing justice

"thank you for bringing justice" i say to them and they all nodded

mark continued telling me what he was saying "we want you to join our gang because you aren't safe where you are now...please let us protect you choi y/n" mark looked straight into her eyes clearly he really cared about her safety.

y/n was shocked of his sudden words but she promised herself she would fight for the people who died.. she wanted to save innocent hybrids...shed kill every last person who dared put a hand on us hybrids. she promised herself

"ill do it"

haha exciting

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