part 31

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"i'm hom-" i couldn't finish my sentence because my mom had hugged me as tight as she could. she cut off my words but i was now in her arms smelling her sweet perfume. "you're safe" she said she  said, relieved. she broke the hug and my dad hugged me as well. he kissed my forehead. they noticed mark behind me and smiled at him. they've known him since he was a kid. so they had a soft spot just for him. "hello dear" my mom said to him and my dad shook his hand with a grin.

"please come in" my mom said with a big smile and puffy eyes. i turned to mark taking his hand in mine and we walked to the living room.

we all sat down. and i began to cry.
"i'm so sorry.." i said. you could hardly hear my shaky voice. i put my head up and looked at them in the eyes.
"please forgive me, i love you"
"we have nothing to forgive" my dad said and my eyes widened.
"so you're not disappointed in me?" i ask "of course not" "promise?"
"yes we promise." they said.

before telling them the news they spoke once again.

"y/n we've been wanting to tell you something." my mom said. i look confused. "we were going to tell you sooner but.." my dad continued.

"what is it?" i asked a bit nervous to find out.

my dad looked down he looked like he was holding back so my mom said it.

"we've had half of your power kept away from you."

my eyes widened. marks eyes widened.

"w-what..?" i ask maybe i heard wrong.

"we had to minimize your power because it was... extremely powerful." my dad said.

"come we will show you." they said and stood up and walked towards their bedroom.

we followed them.

they opened the door they forbid me to open when i was a kid. they had it locked. either way there was no way for me to open it.

my mother opened the door with a old key and it cracked open. revealing a bright light in the room. not bright enough to blind though.

my mother opened the door all the way with the help of my dad.

my mouth hanged open as i saw the huge sun looking object in the room. it was the size of a small asteroid.

as i walked closer to it, it spun faster and got brighter.

why would they hide this from me?

i was now a bit pissed that they kept something extremely important from me. again.

i gridded my teeth together. trying to keep my blood from boiling.

i close my eyes and walk closer to the ball. my feet come off the ground. i let the power devour me.

or more like. the power let me devour it.

the power that was hidden from me. the power that i could've used against the madness. the power that i could've used against the nightmares and hatred that tortured us.

i had it at last.

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