part 8

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mark and y/n were walking to her new bedroom, hands intertwined, clearly they were both in love.

mark would look at y/n's red eyes he would think to himself 'i think i want to spend eternity with you..'

marks always loved y/n she hasn't gotten the rest of her memories yet ,so she doesn't remember unfortunately, and mark knew that. but he was determined to make her fall in love with him as deeply as he was in love with her.

"this is it" mark said to y/n as he went behind her and put his hands over her eyes , so that it would be even more of a surprise. he opened the door. mark counted to three before letting her see her new room. "1,2,3" he took his hands off and she opened them.

y/n looked around the room. she thought it was perfect.

mark knew y/n's style . he prepared this for her. he wanted her to feel at home. he wanted to be her home. he wanted this place to be something she called home.

y/n was crying. she turned to mark and hugged him really tight..
"whats wrong" he sat on the bed with her.

"mark i remember, everything..."she started crying even harder

"i remember how you confessed to me, how you protected me before, during, and after the war..  i remember , when they were about to kill me... but you saved me." mark smiled , happy that she remembered him.

he hugged her this time.
"i love you choi y/n" he confessed once again.

"i love you too mark lee" she smiles and more tears fall from her eyes.

*outside y/n's room*

"omg they just confessed to each other" ten was spilling the tea while everyone was there listening and gasping.

*y/n's room*

mark tilted y/n's head up and was about to kiss y/n...


mark immediately got down on the floor along with y/n. they were under attack and they needed to tell the others .

mark opened the door revealing everyone running away.

"what the fuck, they were spying on us?!" mark sounded kinda angry but he continued to leave with y/n by his side. there was no need to tell the guys the news anymore since they probably heard the gunshots.

occasionally humans would break into random peoples houses for no reason. they probably didn't even know we were all hybrids.

mark took y/n to the safe room because the others could take care of it easily.

*in safe room*

"what was that?!" y/n asked mark.
mark noticed she was shaking, this was her first time getting attacked after all.

"probably just some random people wanting to rob" mark assured her ,and she got a lot calmer after that. mark put his hand on her thigh caressing it. y/n smiled at his sudden touch feeling butterflies in her stomach. she rested her head on his shoulder and drifted off to sleep. soon johnny entered telling mark they took care of the situation.

mark watched as y/n peacefully slept on his shoulder admiring her features. mark wanted her to sleep more comfortably, so he picked her up, her legs wrapped around his waist, as he carried her into her room. he entered her room and, he laid her down, and he gave her a kiss on the forehead.
"goodnight beautiful"

mark walked to the living room where the rest of the guys sat.
"so what was the deal with those guys anyway?" mark questioned

jeno responded to his question "mark they weren't any regular robbers this time"
"what did they want?"
"they were looking for y/n as we suspected they would do" johnny responded

"we cant stay here much longer unfortunately, i suspect they will come again next week, we must leave this week." kun said seriously

mark trusted kun's judgement so he nodded in response. mark didn't want to tell y/n we would be moving but he didn't really have a choice.

"we found a place while you were all lovey dovey with y/n" lucas said raising both eyebrows.

mark rolled his eyes and looked at lucas's shadow figure. his shadow showed a model of the place , it looked big, a pretty nice upgrade. he nodded in approval once again.

"okay, so thats, that. um i guess we will move this week" kun reassured. "now go get some rest"

everyone said goodnight and walked to their rooms.

before he went to his room mark checked on y/n, he smiled when he saw how her legs were all over the place ,and her arms were making a t-pose. he left the room and entered his own.

mark laid on his bed , his head already started aching just by thinking about how hecking hectic the next few weeks were going to be. mark drifted off to sleep after he prayed to the god he truly had faith in. he asked god to give him the power to protect his princess. he prayed for their eternal love. then he drifted off to sleep.

*the next morning*

y/n woke up laying on her bed confused how she got there
"did mark carry me here? i probably broke his back" y/n got up from her bed ,and headed for the bathroom.

you opened the bathroom door, and turns out mark had just got out the shower and he was naked..
"OMG I AM SO SORRY" you cover your face feeling you face get hot. mark chuckled at the sight. he forgot to tell you, you both share a bathroom.

he put his towel on correctly and walked towards y/n , he took her hands off her face exposing her red tinted cheeks. y/n looked at marks shirtless form, and licking her lips, her eyes wondered to the dragon tattooed on his chest. it looked hot ,and theres nothing else to say.

"good morning beautiful" y/n smiled at him joyfully "good morning, now go put a shirt on" he chuckled and went to go change.

*y/n pov*

dang what a daddy
i was going to take a shower so i undressed myself.
"hey you need to clean your tat- oh damn" mark walked in the restroom not expecting to find you naked
"mark lee i will murder you" you try to cover your naked self.
"you wont~" he teased me , until he saw you chasing him with fire coming from both my hands. haha.

*regular pov*

y/n closes the bathroom door.

"gosh i love him.."

"gosh i love her"


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