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(Jae POV)
My phone bleeps yet again as my Instagram fills up with new followers and comments - both on posts I'm tagged in and my own (mainly ones I'm tagged in... smh) - making me hastily switch my phone on silent as I continue to enjoy my way too salty instant ramen.

I don't move when the doorbell rings, knowing full well that Wonpil has his own key. He trudges into the kitchen a few minutes later, looking really worn out. Okay, now I feel bad.

"Please can you open the door next time Jae? I had my suitcase and my bags. I went shopping for you, I kind of guessed you'd been living off ramen whilst I was away." He laughs shortly and plonks two bags full of shopping down on the counter.

"I'm too poor to eat anything else!" I exclaim, shrugging my shoulders and getting up to help him put the food away.

He smiles again, and chuckles as he mumbles, "Well it's a good thing that I'm here, isn't it?"

I don't say anything, just carry on unpacking.

After a bit he goes off to his room to empty his suitcase. We haven't seen each other in nearly two weeks because he went off to do some shows- and left me here. Sigh.

It's okay, though. I mean if he took me I'd make it, like, ten times better with my endless charm and humour, but at the same time I don't think I could do it; he's constantly being pushed around by people and interviewers who want the latest tea.

Once I've tidied everything, I take it upon myself to help Wonpil at least gets a chance to relax before he goes away again- which will probably be quite soon - and get popcorn and a sappy romance movie, one that I know he likes.

He seems content as we watch the film whilst laying under our huge fluffy blanket. The popcorn sits precariously on his lap and luckily he doesn't notice when I lean over him to grab a handful.

We finally switch the television off, the screen goes dark and the sound silences. To be honest, I can't remember half of the plot- I pretended to enjoy it purely for Wonpil's sake because I knew he needed it. Speak of the devil, I feel a light pat on my shoulder that draws me from my reverie and I look up.

"I'm going to bed," he yawns. "See you in the morning."

Wonpil goes to grab the left over popcorn but I manage to come back to my senses enough to yank it from his hands. I cradle it to my chest and mumble, "I want popcorn..." Wonpil laughs at my tired pout and nods before turning around and heading to his room. I follow behind him, still clutching the popcorn. I turn left before him though and softly close my bedroom door behind me.

Shuffling over to my bed- which looks like heaven at the minute -I place the popcorn down before walking to the bathroom and clambering into the shower.

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