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Younghyun sat on the edge of his bed, wringing his hands and swinging his feet in agitation.

"What time is it?"

He heard the sheet rustle behind him, "11:45, five minutes later than the last time you asked."

He chuckles. "Right."

"You okay?" Jae asks.

Brian shakes his head, "No."

The both of them felt the same feelings as the other had three months ago- the anticipation and nervousness. For Brian though, he knew what was going to appear on his wrist, but it's what came after that he was scared about.

When he first came up with the idea to hide his name from Jae, he'd thought of it as a fun joke that they'd laugh about and it'd be good and funny and lighthearted.

Now though, with only 15 minutes until he'd have to tell the older what he'd done, his body was trembling and he was scared.

He fell back, his head landing just beside Jae's arm and he sighed.

He wanted to tell him... before midnight.

"Jae?" He looked up through his fringe.

The elder looked away from his phone and down at Brian. "Yeah?"

Brian sat up, taking a deep breath, "There's- there's something I need to talk to you about."

Jae straightened, "Okay," he says with a hint of worry in his tone. What does Brian need to get off his chest? Why does he look so... sad?

The younger didn't say anything, instead he grabbed Jae's left wrist and took a good look at it.

Kang Younghyun
19th of December

"Brian? What's wrong?" Jae asked, glancing down at his tattoo as well.

"Jae... do you really have no idea who this is?"

"Bri.. What do you mean?"

"Come on Jae, you're not that stupid. Are you honestly saying that you don't know a single Kang Younghyun?"

Jae remained silent. He stared at his lap, fiddling with his fingers.

"Oh for God's Sake, it's me Jae!" Younghyun outbursted, pitting his head in his hands. He didn't expect Jae to answer, but when he did it still wasn't what he expected.

"I know."

Younghyun froze, "Wait... what?"

Jae laughed dryly.
"I knew all along. I was so shocked when it was your name on my arm that I uh- I got kind of scared, so I pretended to forget your name. It was stupid, I thought you'd laugh and tell me straight away and call me an idiot or something." The boy sniffed.

"Then when everyone stopped calling you Younghyun, I realised you were playing a game too. I kept it up because.... I don't know why. Maybe I'm still scared? I guess I also wanted to see what your plan was. I can also tell by your outburst that yelling at me like that wasn't part of your plan," he giggled, the sound being music to Younghyun's ears.

"Wow." The younger smiled. "We're just as stupid as each other then."


Suddenly, a tingle of pain shot up Younghyun's wrist, he hissed and scratched viciously at it, clawing like an animal before he stopped, and saw that there was nothing there.

"Ah fuck.." he grumbled, staring at his arm that had now been scratched raw. "Jae, what's the time?" He spoke frantically, the lump rising in his throat making it harder to force out his words.

"11:57, hey- don't scratch at it," he says softly, taking Younghyun's hands between his own, keeping them away from the burning spot on his wrist. The two of them watch as the black ink starts to rise through Younghyun's skin, bubbling and causing goosebumps on his arm.

1 minute to midnight.

Younghyun shook his hands from Jae's and instead leant his head against the older's shoulder, taking deep breaths in to try and relax himself. He shut his eyes and tried to ignore the growing ache in his wrist.

He heard the chiming of the clock in the kitchen beneath them, and hesitantly opened his eyes.

The pain vanished and his wrist was left with a slightly numb feeling when he tried to move it. He grabbed it with his other arm and turned it over, staring at the black lettering imprinted into his skin.

Park Jaehyung
15th of September

He looked up at Jae, who had been looking at the tattoo as well in wonder.

Younghyun smirked, "Hey, d'you know this guy?" He nodded his head towards his arm.

Jae snorted, "Yeah, I might of met him a few times."

"Cool, what's he like?"

"Ridiculously handsome, funniest guy ever, sick at playing guitar too."

Their laughter died down to a soft hum before Jae spoke again, "So... now that's out of the way, what now?"

Younghyun shrugged. He didn't even need context to know what Jae was asking about. What do we do now? Where are we supposed to go from this?

"I dunno." He yawned, "But I'm a bit tired... can we think about this in the morning?"

"Yeah," Jae agreed, finding himself yawning as well. They both sprawled out across Younghyun's double bed, not even bothering to get under the duvet, still warm from the heating that had only just turned off and having the thin blankets chucked over them as they'd relaxed.

Surprisingly, the two of them found sleep pretty easily, too tired from the day to spend another second thinking about what tomorrow would hold.

Thank you so much for 5k reads :))

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