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The first thing Younghyun felt when he woke up was the inevitable fluttering in his stomach, and he broke out into a grin when he remembered the date.

December 19th.

His room seemed brighter and the birds sounded happier. He couldn't help but do a little jiggle in his bed as he stared up at the blank ceiling. He wanted to stick pictures up there; maybe he could start today.

Suddenly he heard thuds getting louder and louder, making their way towards his bedroom door.

They stopped for a second and Younghyun heard a mutter, before a slightly louder 'eh' then his door burst open, nearly swinging off its hinges.


Younghyun leant up onto his elbows and frowned at the person who had ran into his room and was dancing around at the end of his bed.

"Happy birthday Hyunnie!" Han shouted, and Younghyun caught sight of their father leaning against the doorframe, smiling fondly at the youngest. He stood up, chuckling, and ran over to his brother. He wrapped his arm around his neck and pulled him down, catching him in a headlock.

"You're suck a dick!" He yelled back, laughing through his words.

Finally Younghyun lets go of Jisung and their father walks into the room and pulls his oldest son into a bone crushing hug.

"When was the last time I spent a birthday with you, Hyun?"

Younghyun sighed contentedly, "Too long."

They pulled away and finally Younghyun had the chance to put some joggers on. He shivered in the cold winter air and after a second thought, pulled a huge hoodie over his head too.

"So, what are your plans for today?" His dad asked. Younghyun pondered for a moment.

"Well.. I think it'd be nice to spend the day with you two, just watching Christmas movies or something, but then Jae is coming over at around 6 and he's going to stay the night."

Jisung laughed out loud and let out a whoop, "Finally gonna tell him?" He sang, jumping up and down in his seat.

Younghyun nodded shyly whilst their dad looked beyond confused, "Am I missing something?" His frown deepened when Jisung carried on laughing and nodded. He turned to his eldest son. "Care to explain?"

Younghyun chuckled as he recounted the story of Jae forgetting his name and then him just going with it until tonight, when he was planning to finally tell Jae what an idiot he's been.

His father roared with laughter once Younghyun had finished, it having taken longer than it should've because Jisung kept trying to chip in.

"I like the sound of Jae. You must let me meet him tonight Hyun," he demanded, with a stern gaze that said I don't want you running into room like always.

Younghyun nodded. "Okay. Can we watch the nightmare before Christmas first?"

Han scoffed, "That's not a Christmas film! It's a Halloween one!"

Younghyun was offended, "What are you in about? It's a Christmas film! It has Santa in it for Christ's sake!"

"Doesn't mean it's a Christmas film! It-"

"Woah woah woah! Okay kids, it's Younghyun's birthday, so he chooses what we do. If he wants to watch a Halloween film, we watch a Halloween film. Alright?"

Han slumped back into his seat, his arms crossed in front of him, "fine."

Younghyun also fell back, "It's not a Halloween film."

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