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Younghyun and Jisung were yelling across the house at each other, screaming back and forth about this that and whatnot to do with the party that night.

Chan had organised a Halloween party at his house, seeing as all of them were too old to go trick or treating. Apparently, his house was pretty impressive, due to family business that his older sister had taken over a few years prior.

There was a group of them going- not too dissimilar from the crowd at Jae's party, with a few more additions.

Jisung raced down into the front room, where Younghyun lounged across the armchair, waiting for his younger brother to hurry the fuck up and get dressed.

"'M ready." Jisung spoke, and his brother glanced briefly up at him,
"Took you long enough."

The elder narrowly avoided a whack around the head from Jisung's abnormally pale hand, which is when he finally noticed his brother's costume.

His skin was painted to almost white, to the point where he looked deathly. His eyes were surrounded with dark black and purple circles and a trickle of fake blood ran from his forehead to his cheekbone.

"And.. what are you supposed to be?" The question slipped out from Younghyun's mouth before he had the chance to stop it.

"Eh, I don't know. Dead."

"Thought you already were?"

"Oh no- I've been dead on the inside for years. Halloween is when I let it show on the outside."

Younghyun nods vaguely- these types of conversations weren't exactly uncommon between the two of them.

"And what about you? Your outfit's very.... unique."

Younghyun looked down at himself. The old fashioned red waistcoat with a frilly white shirt underneath. His hair slicked back with red contacts masking his eyes. Sharp and fake fangs stuck to the front of his top teeth.

"Umm... Dracula?" He said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Which it kinda was.

"Is that the vampire guy? I heard of him somewhere but I don't know, I don't know the story."

Younghyun rolled his eyes, "Seriously? Everyone knows Dracula!"

"Yeah but you're old."

The elder huffs and stands up, stalking over to the door, his cape swishing behind him. He turns back and motions to his brother, grabbing the keys from the counter. Jisung quickly follows him, rushing out the door and clambering into the car, desperately waiting for Younghyun to switch the engine on so that he can crank up the heating.

When his seat begins to heat and the warm air blows on him, he sighs. October evenings were getting chilly very quickly, despite it only being seven in the evening.

The party was scheduled to finish past midnight, so Chan suggested that some of them stay the night. The two brothers happily accepted, as they lived about 45 minutes away and didn't fancy driving back in the dark.

Younghyun also knew that Jae was staying, because he 'thought it'd be nice to get out' when Younghyun really knew that Jae was a bit lonely since Wonpil was on tour. It was endearing, really.

Jisung rapped his knuckle on the door, completely ignoring the posh golden door knocker in the centre of the wood.

The door swung open, and Perry the Platypus greeted them with an overly dramatic whip before stepping aside and letting them in.

The person wearing the obnoxiously green/blue (or whatever the fuck colour Perry is) onesie stared straight ahead as the two boys passed, but Younghyun could tell by the height and the cute lips poking out from under the oversized hood that the culprit was none other than Jae.

He stood there for a while, and Jae didn't move.

Coming to a conclusion, Younghyun smirked evilly and held back a laugh. Wait a second, Younghyun. Don't mess it up before you can even do it.

Forcing the laugh out through his nose, he leant up to the same height as Jae.

He moved in, slowly. Moving closer to Jae with every second until their lips were millimetres apart.

Younghyun couldn't see Jae's eyes, but if he could he knew that they'd be the size of the moon. He noticed Jae's tense jaw, but didn't stop gradually getting closer.

When they were barely not touching, that's when Younghyun did it.

Jae reared back, letting out a disgusted "BlEh" and falling back into the wall. The hood on the onesie fell down as he reached up, wiping his hand over his face repeatedly.

Finally he looked up at a cackling Brian, who was holding his stomach and bending over with laughter.


Brian carried on through his laughter, "Oh no! Perry the Platypus! I'm terrified!" He wheezed, mocking sheer terror as Jae's face formed one of are you fucking kidding me you bitch. He tackled Dracula to the ground and tumbled on top of him, tickling him silly while Brian yelled and screamed at him to GET OFF ME.

Finally Chan came through to see what all the commotion was about and only rolled his eyes, reaching down to pull Jae up at whack him about the head before yanking Brian's arm out of his socket in attempts to pull him up.

"What's going on you idiots?"
Chan sounded less disappointed and more genuinely interested.

"He spat on me!" Jae complained, and Brian scoffed.

"I blew on you, Jae. There's a difference. And then you tickled me!"

"To get back at you!"

Chan shook his head and walked out, leaving the two to argue it out between them.

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