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I... had no idea what I was doing.

Wonpil had demanded that Bob, Dowoon and Brian come over and we all hang out, but Wonpil seemed to forget the fact that I have like a huge goddamn crush on a certain person.

And that certain person had to fucking walk in looking bloody gorgeous.

Let me die. Let the world swallow me up.

He was there looking like a while Snack, and I was in pyjama bottoms and a faded t-shirt with messy hair desperately in need of a cut and worn-down slippers. Why is life so unfair?

I slouched on the sofa, figuring that if I already looked this bad, I couldn't look any worse in his eyes.

Who knows? Maybe he had a thing for chickens in pyjamas?

I wrapped my hands around the cup of hot chocolate, blowing gently onto it, watching the surface ripple. The steam fogged up my glasses instantly, though, and blind Jae groaned loudly. I've been wearing glasses since I was ten... I should've known it would happen.

Now, the hard choice: take them off and find a tissue but be blind because my eyesight is shit? Or walk around but only be able to see white? To be honest, neither is fun- I've tried both multiple times and it never gets easier.

I slumped back in my seat, whipping my head around when I heard a deep laugh.

The sofa sank next to me, and I felt my glasses be removed from my head then eventually were put back on after a few seconds of me waiting for my eyesight to come back. I just hope I wasn't staring at someone's crotch or something.

Ah shit.

Why me?

I spoke waaayyyy too soon.

There, in front of me... a crotch.

Clothed, thankfully.

Slowly, my eyes inched up till I met the face belonging to said crotch area.


Okay, I actually want to die.

Brian looked down at me with a small smirk on his face and I groaned again. He didn't say anything, just continued to watch me with an interested look on his face. After a few moments, I decided to defend myself.

"I-I would just like to point out that I did not mean to stare at your dick, my glasses were fogged, I couldn't see, then they weren't there anyway but my eyesight is well and truly shit so I had no idea what was in front of me- OW!"

Brian had cut me off with a flick to the forehead.

As I rubbed my head with a pout on my face, Brian started to talk, flicking his silver hair away from his face as he did so.

"You know, you seem so much more extroverted online than in real life." He pondered, as if it were about to be a scientific breakthrough.

"I'm an introvert, idiot. That's why. But I'm too savage for my own good, people normally can't handle it if I say it to their face so online is much better. I ain't no murderer, matey." He laughs again. I take a long sip of the toasty hot chocolate, trying very hard not to show pain in my face from the drink burning my throat.

"Go on then, 'roast' me."

I nearly spat out my drink all over Brian. Hastily gulping it down, I turned to him.

"You're too soft, love. You can't take it."

"Try me." His eyebrow raised.

I scoffed, "In your dreams."

He was about to say something but was cut off by a loud screeching front the kitchen. I pushed myself to my feet, rolling my eyes, and pattered though to the room where the noise came from.

And did a double-take.

Sungjin—the eldest of us and Wonpil's manager, had the youngest of us—Dowoon, in a choke hold.

I didn't know whether the yell came from Wonpil or Dowoon, but Wonpil was stood on the kitchen counter with a frying pan held loosely in his palm.

"What the..." I heard footsteps stop next to me as Brian took in the state of the trio.

I shrugged indifferently and walked past them all to the fridge, opening the magnetic door and grabbing the carton of milk.

"To be honest, I don't even question it."

Wonpil shuddered slightly and whisper shouted, "There was a huge spider on the chopping board!" I glanced over to see a money spider. You know the ones you throw over your shoulder for good luck? Yeah... one of those.

"Oh dear, the almighty and beastly money spider has defeated the great glorious Kim Wonpil. What a disaster." I deadpanned. Seriously, there was so little emotion in that piece of speech that if I said it into your mouth you would have tasted cardboard.

Sungjin finally let Dowoon out of the chokehold and Wonpil dashed from the counter to the sofa, letting the only frying pan we had crash onto the hard wooden floor. Brian yelped as it clanged, ringing throughout the apartment.

Wincing, I rubbed my ear as I took a swig of milk, too lazy to get a glass.

As I fell back down next to godly Brian, he sniggered.

"What's so funny now?" I questioned, and he motioned to his own lips.

"You've got a bit of a moustache," another chuckle left his mouth as I stared at him. He reached over and pinched my cheek, "Cute.." he mumbled; I swear to god I nearly died.

But I'm afraid I haven't got the time in my schedule to die (as much as I'd like it) because I have some flirting to do. *cracks knuckles*

"Pfft what are you talking about? You're like the epitome of fucking adorable," I shot back after getting rid of my milk moustache.

"Nah, I think you're-"

I had been waiting to hear what he'd say next, but deflated a little inside when he was interrupted by a loud, intruding knock at the door.

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