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2 years later

"Jae, can I talk to you?"

"You're talking to me now, Bri."

"I'm aware of that, dipshit. I mean in person."


"I have something to tell you."

"Okay, give me 20 minutes."

Jae heard the beep ringing through the phone speaker and knew that Younghyun had hung up.

He groaned, rubbing his eyes against the bright light intruding through his window.

The sun was blinding and hot, the summer heat burning through Jae's skin whilst he trudged around his room, grabbing items of clothing and chucking them on his bed.

He left his room and headed down the hall to the bathroom. He passed Wonpil's door and banged his knuckle against it. Yes, they still lived together.

"What do you want?!" The muffled yell came from behind the door.

Jae shouted back, "I'm going out in a minute. I'm meeting Brian."

Tired affirmation reached him. After showering and brushing his teeth, the blue haired male put on a baby pink t-shirt, blue jeans and his worn denim jacket. His glasses were perched precariously on the end of his nose whilst he spent a minute or two ruffling his hair in the mirror.

He checked his watch and realised he'd spent fifteen minutes getting ready. "Fuck," he muttered and grabbed his phone and keys, sprinting out the front door.

After Jae and Younghyun became increasingly popular in the music industry, Jae and Wonpil moved out of their small house and into a slightly bigger one. The two of them chose a house on the outskirts of Seoul- still close enough to drive in a few times a week- with a beautiful view both of rolling hills and the city when it lit up at night.

Jae jumped in his car and fumbled for a second with his keys before the engine roared to life and he turned out of the driveway, travelling down the roads to Younghyun's new house. He'd moved only weeks ago, to a house with Jisung and his father that was only a few miles away from Jae and Wonpil.

Finally, the house came into view, beautiful with honeysuckle climbing beside the door.

He rapped the knocker twice and almost immediately the door swans open to reveal Jisung in a dinosaur onesie and chaotic hair.

He took one look at the guest and rolled his eyes, disappearing into the house before Jae heard a scream.

"Hyung I swear to god can you stop pushing it in my face that Minho never comes over!"

He heard a laugh and just from that Jae couldn't help but smile. Two years on and Younghyun still made his heart feel like it was about to explode. Pounding of footsteps down the stairs led to a smiling Younghyun appearing before him, "Hey," he said.

Jae smiled, "I thought that was an elephant falling down the stairs."

Rolling his eyes, Younghyun grabbed Jae's arm and tugged him upstairs to his room, only just catching the 'Close the goddamn door,' from Jisung and shooting him a glare.

The two of them stood awkwardly in the middle of Brian's room, facing each other as Jae watched Younghyun nervously rub the back of his neck. His hands twitched to move, but he felt like he should say something to Jae before loading everything into him.

"Uhh..." he tried to start, but he lost his words a heartbeat.

Jae sensed his anxiety and tried to lighten the mood, "Come on, you look like you're about to propose to me, what's up?"

Younghyun splutters a laugh, "N-no... I just- oh for fucks sake, here."

He grabbed an envelope from his chest of drawers and pressed it into Jae's palm.

The older looked at him suspiciously, "What's this, Bri?"

"Just open it, coward."

As he smiled, Jae began tearing the envelope open. Younghyun held his breath when Jae pulled out a formal looking letter.

He watched as Jae unfolded it, reading the first line before his jaw went slack and his hand covered his mouth in shock. He glanced up at Younghyun, who smiled back sheepishly.

"Fuck.." Jae whispered, wrapping his arms around Younghyun and burying his face into the younger's shoulder, "What the fuck Bri..."

He looked back at the letter through blurry vision and reread it.

There, at the bottom, were two plane tickets to LA.

"Why?" He choked out.

"I remembered when we first kissed, you said that you hadn't seen your parents in years and you didn't end it too well with them. I kind of got in touch with some of my friends who live in the same area you did, and asked them to try and find your parents."

Jae laughed, "Yeah, that's not weird or stalkerish at all."

"Um.. they found them, and I asked if they wanted to see you again. And they said they would've tried to see you already, but your ass blocked their numbers and never told them where you went." He rolled his eyes for the umpteenth time and Jae looked at the ground in embarrassment.

Eventually the older let out a laugh, "You know I love you, right?" He looked up and Younghyun took the opportunity to kiss him.

"I love you too. Now, we've got to get to the airport at 5 am tomorrow, the flight is at 7. My dad said he'd drive us, so I'll see you at yours tomorrow, yeah?"

Jae chuckled, "Yeah, okay." He rubbed his forehead, still in a state of disbelieving. He looked at the tickets again- two first class, flying for 11 hours to LA. Tomorrow morning.


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