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The day had been going agonisingly slowly for Jae. Like, reeeaaaaalllyyyy fucking slow.
All he'd done since 9 in the morning was roam around the record shop aimlessly despite knowing every single record they stocked like the palm of his hand; have the occasional chat to his boss, Chan; and help this super annoying customer who was basically just a brat.

So, a smashing day so far.

Then, at 1pm, still 4 hours before his shift ended, his phone lit up for the first time that day.

He glanced over at it and checked the notification. Immediately, his eyes brightened and he smiled.

Smellslikeyoungk: If Pinocchio said his nose was growing, what would happen?

Lol what?

Idk, what would happen? Would it grow or not? Cuz he was lying, so his nose would grow, but then it would mean he wasn't lying....

It's too early for this shit mate I don't have the brain capacity yet.

It's 1 in the afternoon you idiot

Exactly my point


Jae nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard an annoyed voice call out from somewhere behind him.

"Jae! Get off your phone there's a customer!" Chan's angry tone quieted down as Jae panicked and nearly threw his phone at the floor.

Looking up, he smiled warmly at the female customer, a  young woman around the same age as him with sharp and powerful features.

Damn, if I wasn't gay she'd totally be my type-

Jae mentally shook his head at himself. Nope. Nopety nope.

He consoles himself and looked back up, standing up after hours of not moving, causing his entire body to crick.

He smiled, "I'm sorry miss, how can I help you?"


Throughout the short time the girl was in the shop, Jae learned quite a bit about her and they became pretty good friends.

Hyejin was born in Jeongju but moved to Seoul with her mother and younger sister after her father passed away last year.
She'd said she always wanted to be a singer, but could never pursue her dream because her family was struggling so she had to work. But now after moving to Seoul, Hyejin had more of a chance of success.

They exchanged Instagram users and Jae wished her good luck before she left with a sassy flick of her hair and small wave.

The rest of the day passed in the same slow, slugging motion as before Brian and Hyejin had given Jae something to think about.

In attempt to cheer himself up a bit, he walked over to the vinyl player and set up one of his favourite vinyls.

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band- The Beatles

Jae just found all of the songs on the album peaceful—they were nice to listen to in the background whilst doing stuff.

Hearing the bell above the door chime yet again, he hastily straightened out his borderline-destroyed Guns 'n' Roses top and picked a random piece of fluff from his jeans. He stood up, preparing to greet the customer, however instead he saw Seungmin: Wonpil's brother.

"Hey Seungmin how're you doing?"
(-Not good? Ok never mind- Felix)

Seungmin smiled brightly and bounded up to the counter, his oversized hoodie giving him sweater paws as he placed them on the counter.
"Hey Jae, is Chan back there?" He peeks around Jae's shoulder to try and spot his friend in the back.

"Yeah he should be, just go through."
Jae shrugged and went back to his phone, letting the excitable younger bound out down the corridor.

And Jae was left alone again.

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