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Branches crunched under foot and they listened to owls whistling through the darkness. The night was still and cold.

Younghyun stared around him as he trudged forwards, trying to make out anything beyond the gravel path in front of them. His eyes fell to Jae, walking quietly a step or two in front of him. There was hesitance in his steps and his shoulders hunched over his body.

Brian sped up, coming level with Jae and matched his pace with the latter's.

"Brian, do you believe in ghosts?" Jae asked, breaking the almost deathly silence.

Brian thought for a moment, "Uhh, I don't know. Maybe? I'd like to think that it's not just us but I'll only fully believe if I see proof. You know what I mean?"

Jae hummed.

"What about you?" Brian nudged Jae's shoulder playfully, grinning when Jae froze for a second.

"I'll take that as a yes, then?"

Jae rolled his eyes but he laughed too. "Sure, yeah I believe in them."

Brian dropped back, glancing at the trees to their left. Jae noticed his sudden absence and turned towards him. He followed his gaze to look between the ashen branches, where the wired netting had a huge gaping hole the size of a-

"RAHH!" Brian suddenly screamed and jumped at Jae. The elder yelled too, but whilst Brian yelled because why not, Jae yelled because what the fuck.

"You dickhead! My heart stopped! Briiaaannn, why would you do that?"

Brian bent over laughing, and struggled to answer Jae's complaints. Eventually Jae began to chuckle, and he pulled Brian up by the shoulder and whacked him round the ear.
He tugged Brian back the way they came, adamantly refusing to take one more step into those woods. Brian leant against Jae's shoulder for support as they slowly made their way through the evergreen.

Jae glances down at Brian, "You're an idiot..."

And Brian - in his drunken state of joy - replies, "Yeah but I'm your idiot."

Jae grins, "We'll see."

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