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"What's up fuckers, I'm back!!" Wonpil yelled as he opened the front door to his and Jae's apartment.

No reply.

The lights had been left on, and the heating switched on full blast- which Wonpil was slightly thankful for considering the nasty chill that had followed him home. He perched his suitcase against the closed door and wandered around. No one.

Whilst he was investigating Jae's bedroom, the blond heard banging and muffled voices. Two, from the sounds of it.

He ran back through to the hallway, where the door was open and Jae had stuck his head through the gap that Wonpil's suitcase had allowed, and he was complaining to someone behind him.

"Wonpil's left his suitcase... damn him. That things heavy." He grimaced whilst trying his best to shove it out of the way but unfortunately it had since gotten lodged between the door and the radiator and wasn't going to move at all.

Wonpil watched the affair from the kitchen doorway- out of Jae's sight- desperately holding in his laughs at the rather comical scene. He could vaguely hear Younghyun getting exasperated from the other side of Jae, whose pissed off voice was muffled by his scarf.

Finally, Wonpil decided to have pity on the two and walked over, still laughing and stumbling through his tears as he approached the door. Jae's expression turned into one of disbelief as Wonpil simply moved the suitcase and pulled the door open. As the elder walked by, there came a mumbled, "You're a dick," and the offender kicked off his shoes and disappeared.

Younghyun was slightly more forgiving, as he too couldn't control his laughter as he entered. The two greeted each other with a firm hug that lasted a few seconds before Wonpil cut to the chase. His voice, however, started to get a bit too loud.

"So.... what happened whilst I was gone? Anything that I wasn't told over text? Anything worth my time? Ooh what about Jae? Does Jae know-"

"Does Jae know what?!" Said person yelled from the kitchen, his mouth obviously stuffed with food.

"Nothing!! Keep it down, will you?" Younghyun scolds, "And no, he doesn't know yet."

"But Hyunnie, your birthdays in two days!" Wonpil whisper-shouts, his voice urgent.

"Yeah, I'm aware of that Wonpil!"

Younghyun pauses, taking a deep breath, "I know. And yes I'm bloody nervous. And confused, and slightly offended that Jae doesn't even remember my name. But I'm also feeling weirdly excited because I want to see his reaction? I really have no idea. I'm a whirlwind of emotions that keeps getting fucking stronger." He concludes, looking slightly defeated.

"Hey, hey. It's gonna be okay," Wonpil comforts him, rubbing his arm through the thick woollen coat. "I've known Jae for years. He's a bit dim, yeah. But he's not a complete idiot. It might take him a while to come around after he realises, but he will, and it'll all be okay. I promise."

Younghyun nods before once again wrapping his younger friend in a tight hug. "Thanks," he breathes, relaxing into Wonpil's hold ever so slightly.

The singer smiles, "No problem."

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