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☆゜*・:+* 。 *゜☆


☆゜*・:+* 。 *゜☆

jack was sick.

he was also on a plane, on his way to toronto, but he didn't want to think about that right now.

he slipped his earbuds in and put on good old-fashioned lover boy by queen, the lyrics seemingly echoing in his head as he tried to focus on the plane taking off successfully, rather than the pounding headache and stuffy nose he currently had. he closed his eyes for a moment and leaned back, only a second later feeling his mom's cold hand on his forehead.

"mom!" he whisper-yelled, opening his eyes quickly and giving her a look. angela simply shook her head and smiled softly. "poor boy. you're burning up. when's the last time you took advil?"

"an hour ago?" jack guessed, turning away from his mom and turning down his music a notch as the next song started. dancing queen by ABBA. jack felt himself smiling, and returned to daydreaming, looking out the window, and drifting off to sleep.

☆゜*・:+* 。 *゜☆

maybe it was the advil that made him sleepy, or the lack of sleep he had gotten the night before, but jack woke up as their plane landed. he felt a weird, almost disoriented feeling as he got off the plane, his thoughts cloudy. he had boarded the plane at 6am, or at least, it was 6am in california when he boarded. he landed in toronto, (jack checked his phone,) at 12pm. that meant it was only 9am in california. he groaned slightly, already annoyed with the jet lag he would experience later that night.

angela and jack quickly got through security and collected their bags, getting into a taxi. jack realized he was sweating and tried to roll down the window, but angela stopped him.

"no, your advil must be working. you'll sweat out your fever." she said.

"mama roo," jack replied seriously, "i don't want to show up at the hotel all sweaty."

"you'll have time to shower before we go to dinner."

jack felt his face flush, and not just from the overbearing heat. "dinner?"

"we're meeting up with the rest of the IT kids," angela looked at jack, a confused look on her face. "jennifer told me that wyatt told you."

jennifer was wyatt's mom. wyatt obviously hadn't told jack, but angela couldn't know that. she would probably ask why the two hadn't discussed the plans. the 2016 jack and wyatt would've been all over dinner details, excited to meet up.

jack just rolled his window down, giving his mom a weak smile.

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i'm sorry that was kinda short but i just feel like it was a good place to end it haha. also, the songs jack was listening to on the plane were songs that came on while i was writing, so i just added them into the story because.... well, good songs. thanks for reading!
-courtney <3

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