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"i need my losers back." andy said simply. "what i saw here tonight, was seven kids socializing because they felt the need to. not rekindling the chemistry they had not even two years ago."

the kids stayed silent, and looked at each other.

it was going to be an interesting summer.

☆゜*・:+* 。 *゜☆

𝐒UNDAY, JUNE 21st, 2020.

☆゜*・:+* 。 *゜☆

jack couldn't sleep. he had been tossing and turning all night, thinking up the possible scenarios he would have to endure in the next couple days. he rolled over, checking the time on the blinking alarm clock next to him. the red numbers flashed 6:29am.

he picked up his phone and texted the gc with his fellow losers, telling them to, quote, "wake up!!!!!!!". then, he quietly crept to the door, his bare feet hitting the plush carpeted floor with each step he took. his mom was a heavy sleeper, even if it was a creaky floor.

jack knew he looked like a mess. he had on the same sweater he had worn the previous night, due to it being cold in the hotel room. he also had plaid pj pants on, and when he managed to catch a glimpse of himself in the hotel mirror, his hair was wild.

jack didn't bother with shoes and slipped out of the hotel room. he could see the sun peaking through the curtain at the end of the hall, a bright orange colour illuminating the dark hallway. it was odd that the lights were off in the hall, but jack ignored it. suddenly, an idea came to him.

jackie boy🧚‍♀️: roof.

jack knew, if any of his precious friends were awake, they would know what he meant.

when jack and the rest of the cast were 12, and just starting to bond, they were staying in a hotel, obviously. whenever the boys (or girl) needed a private moment with the others, they would simply yell, "roof!" and the others would follow, heading up to whatever roof the hotel or building had. of course, the trouble was actually getting on the roof. however, the kids could usually almost always sneak around and figure out how to get up there. and the view was always amazing.

jack didn't know where or how he could even get to the roof in this hotel. he was on the sixteenth floor, that's all he knew. he ran to the end of the hallway, checking the little fire route escape map to see if there were any clues. it was almost like a scavenger hunt, and jack felt giddy as he searched the paper.

"i already checked. no clues."

jack turned, startled at the sudden voice. he was greeted with wyatt and finn.

"you scared the shit out of me!" jack laughed, punching wyatt's shoulder. the taller boys chuckled and shrugged, wyatt rubbing his arm, feigning an injury.

"we obviously have to head up to the top floor to see where the roof is," wyatt said, and jack rolled his eyes. "i was just heading up there, mr. my hair looks like pubes." he heard finn giggle and jack smiled, obviously proud that he made the other boy laugh. wyatt simply glared at him and made some comment about how he acted like a little kid. jack ignored it. they had a love hate relationship.

"do you know if the others are staying on the same floor as us?" jack asked as they headed up to the top floor. finn shrugged, and wyatt didn't say anything.

"and how did you two end up together?"

wyatt's eyes darted from the floor up to finn, then to jack. he seemed nervous; but then simply shrugged as finn did a few seconds earlier. "we both came out of our hotel rooms at the same time," wyatt mumbled.

jack knew he was lying, but he didn't press the topic. he just nodded and gave a fake smile, starting to run down the hallway.

"last one to find the roof is a rotten egg!" the boy grinned, not daring to look behind him. he heard laughter and finn yell, "where the hell are your shoes, grazer!" before the footsteps started. jack wasn't the fastest runner, but he ran as fast as he could anyways. boy, if the flash could see him now.

he was in the lead, and had already climbed up plenty of sets of stairs. as he reached the top of the staircase, he flew through the only door at the top; and smacked right into someone.

jack fell backwards, landing on his butt with a whimper. it wasn't too bad of a fall, since he landed on the carpet, but it still hurt. he looked up and saw jaeden.

jaeden quickly helped jack up, and jack heard wyatt and finn come running into the hallway, the door slamming behind them. they stopped a couple feet behind jaeden and jack. jaeden had jack wrapped in a hug, being the caring friend he was.

"what happened?" finn asked. wyatt stayed quiet.

"poor jackie here ran right into me!" jaeden grinned, pinching jack's cheeks as he pulled out of the hug. jack swatted jaeden's hands away and rubbed his cheek, laughing at the boy.

"jaeden, you twink."

"you ran into this twink awful hard, jack. you good?"

jack nodded, and looked over at finn. he was smiling at the two.

finn met jack's eyes and smiled. "last one to the roof is a rotten egg?"

jack and finn immediately started racing down the hallway, jack not even taking notice of his two best friends, who were awkwardly looking at each other.

jack wasn't aware of what had happened between the two just hours before.

but that didn't matter to jack at the moment. didn't cross his mind. he felt 12 years old again; racing down the hallway with his best friend.

he had missed this.

☆゜*・:+* 。 *゜☆


☆゜*・:+* 。 *゜☆

WOW. long time no update. i'm so sorry! i've been so busy and had a bit of writers block. but i've slowly started to get back into writing, and i missed it.

jyatt subplot perhaps? 🌚

anyways, if you're still reading, thank you! i haven't checked for typos yet, so sorry if this chapter is a bit messy. thanks for reading
- courtney<3

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