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what a sight, jack thought to himself. two weird, lame boys, in their pjs, giving piggyback rides in toronto.

"bubba!" jack pinched finn's cheeks, feeling a rush of heat going to his own chubby cheeks as those words left his mouth.

jack hadn't called finn bubba in so long.

he didn't want to overthink it; it was just a stupid nickname.

but it had felt so right.

☆゜*・:+* 。 *゜☆

SUNDAY, JUNE 21st, 2020.

☆゜*・:+* 。 *゜☆

"okay. first things first. we have to get food we'll actually be able to use in a meal. alright?"

"you're such a buzzkill, sophia." jack groaned, looking at the girl. she was paused outside the store, the letters on the front of the building flashing W A L  A  T , due to the missing M and R. they had decided to split up and gather all the items on the list, to make it go quicker. jack, sophia and jeremy were a team, finn and jaeden were a team, and chosen and wyatt were a team.

"okay. stick to the items on your list. meet in the movies aisle when you're done."

with that, the kids went flocking into the store, jack nearly tripping on his untied shoelaces. they all wanted to hurry in walmart so they could get to the new apartment, and figure out the sleeping arrangements. it would be a tight squeeze, and they didn't know who the adults might think of putting together. they wanted to be sure to get there and fix any problems that could possibly occur.

sophia and jeremy were boring when shopping. yeah, sure, jeremy would occasionally pretend to salsa down the aisles with jack in a playful way, and yeah, sophia would laugh at jack's stupid puns, but it wasn't the same. he found himself wishing he had been paired with someone else, who was more hyper than the two.

jack complained for the next twenty minutes. his comments always managed to be stupid, silly things, such as "if i was with finn, he wouldn't get mad at me for singing," or "finn and jaeden are more fun than you uptight old people."

"i should be playing with lego figures with finn in the toy aisle right now," jack whined, for seemingly the seventy sixth time as sophia picked out a box of frosted flakes.

"man, jack, for someone who apparently doesn't like finn, you sure do talk about him a lot." sophia remarked.

sophia always knew how to shut jack up.

she knew what was going on between the two; ever since they had kissed that fateful day, nothing was ever the same. in a good way, at first, then slowly, things went downhill. especially now. sophia knew the boys were somewhat awkward around each other; they didn't want to be, but they couldn't help it, and they certainly didn't trust each other completely yet. the redhead didn't blame them, but she quite often heard their complaints about each other, or, maybe the better word would be, rants about each other. they hadn't even been together for a couple days, and both the boys were already venting to sophia about the boy problems they were running into; with each other. it almost made her laugh, listening to both boys blabbing in about the same small issues. but she wanted to see them happy, so, she would listen to their stories and provide the appropriate advice afterwards.

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