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"i'd rather just settle for being your friend than lose you as something more."

finn looked up at jack as he said that. jack realized finn was leaning against the counter, still facing him, and jack's legs had found their way leaning against finns hips. jack wanted to wrap his legs around finn and hold onto him in that moment, but he felt as if the timing wasn't exactly appropriate. finn continued to stare at him, looking slightly bewildered, and jack just wished he could know what was running through his mind.

but finn didn't even know what was going on inside his own head. all he could smell was the light vanilla scent jack always to seemed to bring with him, and all he could think about was the fact that he had gone months, a year, without kissing jack. the first time he kissed jack, he had tasted like a strawberry fruit roll up and peppermint; he wondered if he still tasted the same.

finn didn't even know what was going on inside his own head as he pressed his lips to jack's.

☆゜*・:+* 。 *゜☆

SUNDAY, JUNE 28th, 2020.

☆゜*・:+* 。 *゜☆

jack inhaled sharply as he felt finn's lips meet his own, and felt as if he was frozen in place, his body stiff. after a quick second, however, jack came back to his senses and leaned into the kiss, not even realizing how much he had missed him. his lips, more specifically. finn kept kissing him, nearly pushing jack against the mirror, and jack found his arms around finn's neck, his forearms resting on finn's shoulder. finn just kept leaning into him, his body almost curving into jack's and jack lightly played with the curls on the back of finn's neck, causing him to shiver slightly due to the smaller ones touch.

the makeout session got sloppy, the two boys trying to make up for all they had missed the past couple months. finn rubbed light circles jack's back, opening his mouth slightly and allowing jack to slip his tongue into his mouth, shuddering as jack ran his tongue along finn's teeth and then continued to kiss him. finally, jack tried to back up a bit more, but that just caused him lightly hit the back of his head off of the mirror behind him, causing a groan to escape his lips. it quite obviously threw finn off, who slowly moved back an inch and looked at him curiously, jack growing slightly red, his lips tingling, longing to be against finns again. all that could be heard in the room was heavy breathing, and jack leaned his head back on the mirror he had just hit his head on only moments before, and stared up at the ceiling, properly catching his breath.

finn's mouth was slightly open, still panting, and he closed his eyes. "fuck."

he looked up at jack, making himself audible this time. "i didn't think that—"

"again." jack said, almost in a whisper, his voice hoarse. his eyes met finn's again, and he licked his lips, scooting forward, closer to finn again. "please."

"well, since you said please."

jack giggled as finn quickly kissed him again. he arched his back, sitting as tall as he could on the counter, his arms on either side of him, leaning into finn and smiling as he felt finn place a hand over his.

they stayed in this position for a minute, slowly kissing each other, letting themselves enjoy the moment and savour how they felt. finally, jack gave finn one last peck and broke apart from the kiss, looking at the boy.

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