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after the teasing died down, it initially set in that the teenagers were finally alone. they could do anything they wanted; but instead, they chose to gather around in the living room, thinking back on the day. sophia and jaeden squeezed into the armchair, chosen, finn, and wyatt took the couch, and jeremy and jack opted to lay on the floor, surfing through the channels on the tv as they listened to the others talking.

"i think we should play a game," jaeden spoke up. "or do something to pass the time."

a grin suddenly formed on sophia's face. she looked at the boys, a sort of twinkle in her eye.

"never have i ever."

☆゜*・:+* 。 *゜☆

SUNDAY, JUNE 21st, 2020.

☆゜*・:+* 。 *゜☆

a silence fell over the room, and jack opened his mouth to quickly say something, but stopped himself. never have i ever? weren't they too old for that? or, even, considering what the topics may be, too young?

"i'm not sure." finn spoke up, almost voicing jack's concerns. "we've never played that before."

the group had played truth or dare plenty of times, so it was somewhat odd they had never played never have i ever. but, sophia seemed excited to play, and so did jeremy and jaeden. it was something new.

everyone agreed to play, to which sophia squealed with joy. she told the others how she had played it with a couple teens and her twin brother at a house party a couple weeks back, and it was nothing too scary. just a couple of lighthearted questions to get to know each other better, or in the the losers' clubs instance, break the ice.

"as long as it don't get too intense." jack chuckled, joining the others forming a circle in the middle of the living room. it was jack next to sophia, sophia next to finn, finn next to chosen, chosen next to wyatt, wyatt next to jeremy, and jeremy next to jaeden.

"all right," sophia started. "everyone know how to play?"

surprisingly, everyone nodded yes, except for jaeden. jack laughed at the boy and nudged his side. "poor lieberbitch," he remarked. "so excited, yet can't even play with the big kids."

"it's martell." jaeden stuck his tongue out, causing everyone else to laugh. it was almost like a routine at this point, jaeden correcting jack on his last name. jack quite obviously knew about the last name change, but he couldn't help but tease one of his best friends anyways.

"basically, jae, everyone in the group starts off holding five fingers, and someone in the group will state off something they've never done before. if someone else in the group has done it, they have to put their finger down. the person who gets all their fingers down first wins, i guess, or maybe loses for being an idiot and doing a lot of shit. whatever. we'll do a sample round, but do you think you got it?"

jaeden nodded at finn, thanking him for his brief explanation. and with that, the seven were ready to start.

they decided on sophia being the first to go, since she came up with the game. she gladly took the position, and held all five of her fingers up proudly, eyeing up the others and trying to think of a good starter.

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