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"you can't act like we never happened." jack whispered, finally twisting the doorknob, getting out of the room and closing the door behind him. he joined his friends as they all conversed, set up their sleeping positions, picked a movie, and waited for their food.

but for the rest of the night, even when finn was comfortably settled in next to jack on the floor, he couldn't help but feel that guilty feeling nagging at him, deep in his stomach.

☆゜*・:+* 。 *゜☆

MONDAY, JUNE 22nd, 2020.

☆゜*・:+* 。 *゜☆

finn woke up the next morning before anyone else, or so he thought. everyone was scattered around the living room, almost every person in a different position from where they fell asleep. jack, however, was still by finn's side; quite literally. his side was touching finn's, and jack had his head on the older boys pillow. finn smiled softly and moved a curl from jack's forehead, taking in his features. jack was beautiful. finn didn't know how else to describe him. since it was summer, his freckles were more eminent than ever, his long lashes almost seeming like they could get tangled in the soft dots sprinkling his nose and cheeks. he was starting to grow a small moustache, and finn couldn't help but chuckle to himself. he was growing up. he remembered the pre pubescent jack who would tease finn about growing a moustache, not the other way around.

"you didn't give up." a voice spoke up, and finn's head snapped towards the direction of the voice. it was jaeden, standing in the door frame of the bathroom, having just come out. finn didn't know how he hadn't noticed him gone, but he simply shook his head and looked at the boy.


"you didn't give up," jaeden grins, leaning on the doorway. "the way you look at him."

finn looked at him cluelessly, his head tilting to the slightly to the side. jaeden laughed before continuing. "your heart still skips a beat when you hear him laugh or when your phone lights up from a text with him. you feel a sinking feeling when he mentions an ex girlfriend or ex lover because you hate the thought of anyone loving him but you. you can't help but notice how pretty he's always been, despite you knowing him for years."

finn jumped up quickly, shaking his head and stepping over his sleeping friends before reaching the bathroom. "you're wrong," he huffed, stepping past jaeden and spinning around, his hand on the bathroom doorknob. "maybe you feel those things about wyatt, but-"

jaeden placed his hand on the door, stopping it from closing.

"you didn't give up."

with one last push, finn shut the door in jaeden's face, taking a deep breath and walking to the sink, splashing water in his face and looking in the mirror.

he didn't want to admit it, but the boy in the mirror knew the truth. jaeden was right.

he didn't give up.

he could never give up on jack.

and he hated it.

☆゜*・:+* 。 *゜☆

"you suck, sophia, you suck! i so won that." jack grinned, jumping up and down and swallowing the last chocolate chip he had successfully caught in his mouth. he had created a competition between him and sophia, to see who could catch more chocolate chips in their mouth at once.

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