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☆゜*・:+* 。 *゜☆


☆゜*・:+* 。 *゜☆

jack woke up to the sound of his phone buzzing rather loud on his bed next to him. he groaned, quickly picking it up to check the caller ID.

sophia lillis.

jack quickly sat up, accepting the call and placing his phone on his ear. "hello?" he answered, rubbing his eyes.

"hey jack." he heard sophia reply. he smiled to himself and looked down for a moment. it had been a while since he had heard from sophia. since he had heard from the entire losers club, actually. the last time he had gotten together with them was a few months earlier, in september of 2019. they were only together for a couple days, since they had to do press release for IT chapter two. not like they necessarily wanted to spend all that time together.

the losers club had grown apart. a group of seven pre-teens who used to tell each other everything had turned into a group of teens and nearly almost young adults who couldn't even bring themselves to talk in the groupchat they had made over three years ago. jack knew it wasn't their fault; people grow up, and move on.

but the worst part about them splitting up was that jack felt a piece of him was gone. those six kids were people who knew him better than anyone he had ever met. they used to spend their nights crammed together on one hotel room bed, sleeping together simply because they didn't want to leave each other's side. they used to spend their nights making up stupid skits and making the short stories in their imagination come to life. they used to spend their nights preparing for what a new day of shooting would hold, since every day often endured a new and exciting adventure.

jack supposed they realized they had grown apart when IT chapter two came out. they were awkward around each other, and quiet. wyatt had brought his girlfriend with him, which had made jaeden on edge. jeremy had barely stayed for long; he was in the middle of shooting a movie. sophia was quiet and unlike herself, simply because she felt she couldn't relate to the other boys anymore. and finn, well, ever since august 2018 things had been awkward between jack and finn. chosen was the only one trying to stay positive while they were together, but even he was discouraged.

jack didn't want to think about that now.

"hi sophia!" jack put on a chipper tone. "what's up?"

"i shouldn't be telling you this," she started, which made jack laugh. he heard sophia let out a laugh too and continue. "but i overheard my mom talking about it and i think you might want to know. i haven't told the other losers yet."

jack nodded, then, being the idiot he was, realized he was on the phone, and simply murmured in reply to sophia. "mhm. what is it?"

"netflix wants to make a spin-off of IT. they want to call it, 'The Losers Club,' and it would feature our characters. the young losers' club."

jack felt his heart speed up and he opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. a spin-off? now?

"but we're all grown up." jack blurted out.

"i know, but they want it to center around the losers' club after defeating pennywise."

"they grew apart after they defeated pennywise. it's in the book. read it."

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