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"we can't tell anybody, finn."

"i know."

jack almost felt an achy feeling as he looked at finn. he wanted to tell the entire world he had kissed finn wolfhard again. he had kissed finn wolfhard again! and god, he liked it. he loved it.

but he knew that he wouldn't be able to tell people. he wouldn't be able to tell anyone; not even his friends.

as jack and finn rejoined their friends, finn was still on his mind. he didn't want to hide anymore. but he had no choice.

he wasn't sure of his sexuality, he wasn't sure of his feelings. all he knew was that he loved finn, and he would do anything to keep him safe and happy.

which included not telling anybody about his... romantic interactions with finn until he was sure what they meant.

if they even meant anything.

☆゜*・:+* 。 *゜☆

MONDAY, JUNE 29th, 2020.

☆゜*・:+* 。 *゜☆

jack woke up before anyone else did the next morning, or at least he thought he did. maybe the others were awake and he just couldn't hear them. he had actually slept in his room last night, with finn. they had fallen asleep with their legs intertwined, blanket between them. they had woken up the same way; finn breathing somewhat heavily, light softly coming in through the window. jack felt warm all over. he felt safe. he didn't quite want to get up. he felt he could stay there with finn forever, gently admiring his features. he almost wanted to kiss him again.

he still couldn't believe they had kissed last night.

the first time jack had kissed finn, was when he was only 14 years old.

he still remembered it vividly. he couldn't seem to forget about it, even if he wanted

"to!" chosen grinned, teasing jack, lightly poking his side. jack just rolled his eyes, scrolling through his phone messages.

"it's not my fault wyatt is a grammar nazi!" jack huffed, causing sophia to giggle.

finn, jack, chosen, sophia, wyatt, jeremy, and jaeden had been messing around all night; they often made stupid skits with each other. it was the first time they had all been together in a while, let alone staying in the same hotel. they were only together to do press the next day at san diego comic con. IT chapter one hadn't come out yet (it was only july; two more months) but the press was already starting up.

it was probably 2am before the group of seven finally settled down and realized that they had press the next day; they should probably get to sleep already. so, in turn, they all got ready for bed. jack and finn shared a bed, jaeden and wyatt crashed on the floor, sophia took the couch and jeremy and chosen took the other bed.

they stayed up for a little while, just talking to each other about everything they had missed while they were apart, and just discussing how excited they were for tomorrow. eventually, everyone seemed to drift off.

except for jack.

not even for a specific reason; he just didn't fall asleep easily in new places, especially without his mama roo. as he got thinking about how new this hotel room was, it made him worried for all the new things he would have to encounter as he got older, all the new situations he would be put into. he couldn't turn his brain off. he tossed and turned, probably annoying the shit out of finn for half an hour, before finn finally spoke up, causing jack to jump.

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