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the dinner was nice, but since everyone was sleepy, they weren't exactly hyper. finn and jack lazily played footsies under the table, and occasionally gave each other soft smiles as they ate their food. jack snuck sips of finn's sprite, (he regretted sticking with water,) causing finn to pretend to scold him, although he was grinning the entire time.

and on the ride home, jack fell asleep on finn's shoulder.

they seemed to be in their own little world. their five friends simply shook their head and smiled at the pair, in disbelief that two people could adore each other so much without realizing it.

☆゜*・:+* 。 *゜☆

WEDNESDAY, JULY 1st, 2020.

☆゜*・:+* 。 *゜☆

"happy birthday, dear chosen, happy birthday to you!"

chosen grinned at his friends and family as they all sang him their happy birthday wishes, his skin almost glowing as the candles flickered lightly beneath him. it was the boys 19th birthday. everyone had always joked around that chosen was the dad of the group because of his age; in comparison, jack as the youngest, was only 16. but as the group of seven and their parents watched as chosen blew out his birthday candles, it dawned on them how chosen was truly, well, a grown up. and it was crazy to think about a childhood best friend truly growing up.

chosen had wanted everybody to go play laser tag. they took the day off of work, and andy and barbara had gathered everyone and their parent to go out.

the day before they had continued their acting exercises. that included things like tongue twisters, more trust exercises, and silly games. however, towards the end of the day, they had started reading off script and acting out certain scenes, just to continue getting in character. shooting was starting the following monday; they had already gotten their schedules. they would be filming for 12 weeks, (63 days) which would bring them well into september. a lot of the days, finn noticed, him and jack would be filming together, either shooting reddie scenes or practicing scenes. not that either boy had a problem with it.

"guys, screw the cake! let's play laser tag already." jack almost whined, setting his half eaten piece of cake on the table.

"what happened to you, mister i'm too cool for laser tag?" sophia teased.

"hey, i never said that!" jack said defensively. "i just wanna play. that's all."

"c'mon, let's go, before jack dies of excitement."
chosen nodded in agreement, jumping up from his seat, causing jack to clap his hands in sudden excitement, earning a laugh from finn.

jack had played laser tag before, but he barely remembered it. he couldn't stop smiling as the seven all helped each other put their vests on. their parents and andy and barbara were going to join after the first round, but for now, it was just them.

jack barely even listened as the guy who gave them their equipment droned on and on about the rules. he quite honestly didn't care, as bad as it sounded. it couldn't be that hard. point the laser at the glowing dots on your friends vest and boom. easy as pie.

jack supposed finn must have noticed him all zoned out, because he nudged jack lightly, their knuckles lightly brushing together as finn dropped his hand next to his side. "you need to listen," he said softly, and jack shook his head, looking up at finn.

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