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"do you remember the night we went grocery shopping?" finn said softly, wanting jack's tears to stop flowing so heavily. jack nodded slowly.

"and you told sophia all we would be was best friends?"

jack was obviously taken aback, his pouty expression changing to a look of surprise. "how did you hear that? we weren't with you."

"grocery store shelves aren't soundproof," finn tried to joke, but the awestruck boy didn't crack a smile.

"all i remember thinking when i heard that is that, is that it wasn't true." finn let out a shaky breath. "you've always felt like more than a best friend to me. and i thought you knew that. the laser tag, the day we went to canada's wonderland, all the little things. i never meant to confuse you. god, the night we kissed in the bathroom, i wished on an eyelash that i would get to kiss you a million times more. everything i've done was for you."

and for the first time since wyatt had asked him the question that night, jack broke out into a smile.

☆゜*・:+* 。 *゜☆

SUNDAY, JULY 5th, 2020.

☆゜*・:+* 。 *゜☆

it's funny how quickly things can change.

just this time last year, finn and jack weren't even talking to each other, not even in contact. they honestly could've cared less about what the other boy was doing.

and now, the soft boy with angel eyes and porcelain skin was all finn could think about.

ever since that night.

after the boys had finally gotten all their feelings out, they felt okay. wyatt ended up taking to others to the pool, and they enjoyed themselves enough. finn texted them to let them know jack and him were going to head to bed.

they cuddled up in their bed together, finn ignoring yet laughing at jack's endless, 'wear socks! it means no homo!' comments. they spent at least three hours talking to each other about anything under the moon, and everything that came to their head. when their friends finally arrived they pretended they were asleep, which resulted in them actually falling asleep.

the past few days had been golden. finn and jack had kissed a total of seven (jack was counting!) times, and even once in front of jaeden. the boys eyes practically bugged out of his head as he watched finn quickly give jack as smooch as he went to leave to get iced coffee with jaeden, while finn decided to stay and play his guitar with chosen.

and now they were here. jack and jaeden walking down the streets of toronto, making their way to the nearest starbucks. as soon as finn was out of sight, jaeden had started bugging jack about finn.

"so? you guys LIKE like each other?" jaeden giggled wanting to scream to the world. "my best friends are in love!"

"jaeden!" jack hushed him, nervously looking at him. "be careful."

"sorry. i'm just so happy for you guys. it sounds so romantic." jaeden started to laugh.

although he was laughing, jack knew he was serious. jaeden had always been a hopeless romantic at heart. jack would never forget the endless times jaeden would sleepover and beg him to watch titanic, or moonrise kingdom, which usually he would end up watching with jack and his mother. one time, jaeden even made him watch call me by your name, which he was eternally grateful for, since he loved the soundtrack. the movie had made both of them cry. jack chuckled at the memory.

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