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however, by flipping through the script to get to the "final" kiss andy had told them they would have, he realized they had several kissing scenes. scenes by themselves. one where richie sneaks into eddie's bedroom and kisses him goodnight, and another scene where eddie falls off of his bike, and richie kisses all of his wounds better (which includes a busted lip.)

it made jack nervous. so incredibly nervous.

and when he looked up and met finn's eyes, he could tell he was nervous too.

but he wasn't sure if he was thinking exactly what jack was.

if i'm not in love with finn now, these scenes will definitely make sure i fall for him now.

☆゜*・:+* 。 *゜☆

TUESDAY, JUNE 23rd, 2020.

☆゜*・:+* 。 *゜☆

"you start acting exercises on the 29th." andy smiled, looking at the group. the group nodded, remembering what the acting exercises had entailed the previous two movies. some stuff was almost painfully awkward, but most things were bearable, and actually fun.

everybody enjoyed the rest of their time in the cafe, getting quick snacks and talking about the script. it became apparent to them that richie and eddie would be endgame, (at least at the end of the season) along with bev and ben. of course, there would be the whole love triangle aspect with bev, bill and ben, just to keep viewers on their toes, and there would certainly be reddie angst throughout the whole season.

they filled the little holes in the plot with clever solutions throughout the script; for example, instead of bev moving away, bev's aunt came to derry to take care of her. and, in this spin off, the lucky seven didn't grow apart.

there were definitely some funny scenes, like richie getting eddie high for the first time (which quite honestly, jack was surprised to see written in the script) and some more serious scenes, like richie opening up to the losers about his parents during a sleepover. the last episode was centred around a school dance. richie had gathered up the courage to ask eddie to go, and eddie has agreed. when they showed up to the dance, people started to spit out homophobic comments and several other cruel words. richie would just flip them off and mutter some not so nice words, but the ever so sensitive eddie cried. to that, richie took him back to his place, and they had their own little celebration in richie's room, ending with them slow dancing and richie and eddie becoming boyfriends.

jack wasn't sure if they were going to have another season; he didn't want to think that far ahead. even if they weren't renewed for another season, he knew that the ending would be satisfying enough for the viewers, and led to a temporary happy ending for the characters.

"is there going to be another season?" wyatt spoke up, almost reading jack's mind.

"it all depends how the viewers react to this season," andy declared, shrugging. "and hopefully, they respond positively."

it dawned upon jack that richie and eddie's relationship wouldn't last forever; after all, in IT chapter 2, eddie gets married. to a female.
the thought of eddie marrying a woman almost made him want to laugh out loud.

before jack knew it, it was 3pm, and the group decided to split up, and relax for the rest of the evening, and the next couple of days. andy was going to let them have the next few days to rest, and prepare for the hectic filming that would be happening in the next few weeks. jack was getting his things together, following his mama out of the restaurant, when he felt his hand being tugged on, stopping him.

"i need to talk to you." finn quickly said.

"about what?"

angela stopped and looked behind her, waiting for her son. jack held up a finger and motioned to finn, as if to say 'hold on!'. angela nodded and gave him a smile, exiting the cafe and waiting with andy and the others on the sidewalk while they waited for the boys.

"yes?" jack asked, looking at finn. he seemed nervous, and it made jack nervous. he didn't want the other boy to be mad; he hated that feeling. the person he admired most in the world being disappointed in him was something jack couldn't bare.

"is there a reason you decided to stay with mama roo for a bit?" finn asked.

jack smiled at that. "mama roo?"

"she's as much your mom as she is mine." finn punched his shoulder, chuckling slightly.

"i know," jack grinned sheepishly, slowly going back to the topic at hand. "and, it wasn't anyone's fault, or anything. i just, needed a break."

finn nodded slowly, trying to figure out if the younger boy was lying. he couldn't decide; jack was a good actor. maybe too good.

"please don't lie to me jack." he almost pleaded, searching jack's eyes. jack felt his heart start to race, and he almost wanted to cry out. he wanted to give finn the truth. but he didn't want to hurt him. that's the last thing jack ever wanted to do.

"i think," jack whispered, "i think we should we only see each other when we have to."


"i mean, when we have- when we have to film. i'm sorry."

"jack, what are you talking about?"

"don't make this harder than it has to be-"

"are you crazy? we have a job to do!"

"exactly! a job! i don't need all these complicated feelings getting mixed up with work." jack confessed, starting to get warm. he wanted to run, but he had nowhere to go.

when jack uttered those words, things suddenly changed for finn. it wasn't about all the drama, how confused finn felt, or all the horrible ups and downs their relationship had already encountered. it was about what they had. jack made him feel a beautiful type of way. he made him feel safe and cared for, and finn realized what had been missing since him and jack had lost contact; he was missing his home. finn's home wasn't a material building, it was a boy by the name of jack dylan grazer. a perfectly imperfect prince.

"i'm sorry it's come to this." jack repeated.

"don't leave."

jack stood up on his tippy toes, and pressed his soft lips lightly against finn's cheek. it almost felt like jack was kissing a porcelain
doll, that's how impeccable the tall boy's light skin was.

"see you on the 29th, when we're acting."

and with that, he turned around and left.

☆゜*・:+* 。 *゜☆


☆゜*・:+* 。 *゜☆

i wrote out the ending for this story and i'm not okay
thanks for reading!

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