The accident

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Gracie’s POV

            As I finished dressing the kids up for school, the doorbell rang.

“I’m coming!” I yelled as I made my way downstairs.

“You better not keep your mother and your mother in law waiting outside young lady!”

I gasped and ran faster to open the door. “MOM!” I yelled as I crashed into my mom giving her the tightest hug ever.

“Well, I miss you too baby girl.” She said while laughing.

I looked at Tricia and hugged her tight. Ever since the accident, she’s been worse than me. It was so bad that she stayed in bed for months and wasn’t able to do anything. After a couple months of therapy, she was getting better.

“How are you honey?” She asked me.

“I’ve been better.”

“GRANDMA!” Jane squealed as she saw both her grandma’s in the living room. Jawaad came running after her and jumped into my mom’s arms as Jane hugged Tricia. Then of course they exchanged between the two kids.

“I was just about to take them to school.”

“Well perfect! We’ll go with you and then after we’ll go out for an early lunch or something.” My mom said.

I was actually hoping to go and spend the day with Zayn but i’m not going to tell them that because that would lead to some big lecture that I don’t feel like listening to again.

“Um, yeah okay.”

The car ride to the kid’s school wasn’t long and like always, Jawaad didn’t want to get out of the car.

“Come on baby, what will daddy say if he saw you like this?” I asked him.

“But mommy, they laugh at me!” He said with tears in his eyes.

“Don’t listen to them. They do that because they’re jealous of you. They want to be just like you. They want to have your awesome black hair, your gorgeous green eyes, your smile that lights the whole world up and most importantly, your intelligence.”

“Mommy…they tell me…they tell me…” He started crying.

I frowned while hugging him. What the hell was happening?

“Jane, what do they tell your brother?” I asked my little girl.

She looked down.

“Come on honey, tell us.” Tricia told her while hugging her.

“They say that they are better than us because they have a daddy and we don’t! They say that our daddy is dead and they laugh and make fun of us because of that.” She said while crying.

My mom gasped while I felt the anger inside of me slowly coming out.

“Mom, Tricia, stay by the kids.” I said as I gave them the car keys and stormed inside of the school heading straight to the principal’s office without even knocking.

“Hello, how may I help you?” The secretary asked me politely.

I tried holding my anger in until I got to the principal. “I need to see Principal Owen.”

“Um, well let me just see if she’s busy.” She held the phone to her ear. “Hello, yes there is a parent here that wants to speak to you…yes…okay right away.” She looked at me. “You can go in.”


“Oh! Mrs. Malik, what a surprise! How are you? Has there been any progress with Mr. Malik?”

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