Our Story (Zayn Malik Fanfiction)

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        I heard their faint voices upstairs arguing about which toy they want to play with while I had our family photo album open remembering the old days. It seems as if everything passed by so fast. I felt like I was a 40 year old in a 25 year olds body.

I felt a tear roll down on my cheek as I passed by my favorite photo. It was the day I gave birth to the twins 5 years ago. I was sitting on the hospital bed holding a 2 hour old Jawaad while Zayn was sitting next to me holding a 2 hour old Jane. He had the biggest smile on his face even though he became a dad at the age of 21. Looking at that smile on his face almost made me smile. Almost.

Just as I was about to close the album, my phone went off. I dropped everything and ran to the phone seeing it was my brother who was calling me. I sighed in disappointment as I realized it wasn’t the call I was waiting for. Usually I’ve had the feeling that call will never happen.

“Yeah Harry.” I said as I answered.

“How are you today shorty?” Harry asked me using the nickname they all gave me when I was younger.

“Harrryyy.” I groaned. “How many times do I have to tell you to not call me that anymore?”

“It doesn’t matter how many times you tell me because I’m going to keep calling you that until the day I die.”

I flinched. I hated that word. Die. Death. I felt a tear rolling down my cheek and quickly wiped it away before more of them came down.

“Sorry shorty, I didn’t mean it like that.”

“It’s fine Harry. Anyways, I’m fine I guess. The kids are playing upstairs and I was looking at-“ I stopped myself before I get a big ass lecture. “I was looking at clothes for the kids online.” I lied.

“Are you sure that was what you were doing?” He asked me obviously not believing me.

“Yes Harry.” I said getting mad. “Even if I was doing something else, what is the problem?”

“The problem is that you’re hurting yourself more, and by doing that you’re hurting your kids.”

“What do you want me to do? Pretend that he never existed? That we’re a big happy family? Well we’re not Harry. We are so far from that-“

“MOMMY!” I heard Jane call me.

“Harry look I have to go. Bye.” I hung up before he said anything. I hate myself. I’m hurting everyone around me. I didn’t mean to blow up on him like that but I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Mommy, can you tell us a story?” Jawaad said while coming down the stairs holding his sisters hand.

I looked at my kids. They were fraternal twins. They looked so different yet they were alike in so many other ways. They both looked up at me and smiled.

When I looked into my daughter’s eyes, I couldn’t help but let a tear escape. Those big light brown eyes. The eyes that I miss so much even though they are right in front of me. They eyes that I’ll probably never see again on someone different than my daughter. She had my brown wavy hair but with her father’s eyes.

Looking at Jawaad made me feel like I was looking at a small Zayn but with green eyes. His black hair was in its normal “quiff” like style trying to resemble his dad. It hurt so much just looking at them both.

“Yes of course I can. What kind of story do you want to hear?”

“You and daddy!” Jane said smiling.

I frowned while looking at them. They knew the truth but they weren’t old enough to understand how bad it was. Then I thought of something.

“How about I tell you the story about everybody? All your uncles and aunts and how we all grew up together?”

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