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I looked around at everyone who was here.

Some crying.

Some trying not to cry.

Some unable to believe what’s happening in front of them.

As for me…I was a dead soul in a living person.

I was numb.

I cried so much that I don’t think there are any more tears left.

I looked at my two kids, dressed in black, sitting in Harry’s lap.

I looked at Louis who looked dead. Bags under his puffy eyes.

Liam. He was still crying, clutching onto Sophia.

Niall. He was on his knees crying his eyes out holding onto Rachel.

Harry. He was trying to be strong for the kids and me. But I saw through that mask. I saw the sadness in his eyes. The anger.

I looked at Tricia who was being held back as she was screaming and crying.

His sisters. Broken.

All his loved ones. Broken.

Me? Dead.

He left me. He broke his promise. He lied to me. He hurt me.

“And now, we will lower him where he will stay for eternity.”

“NO!” Niall cried out. “No!”

“DADDY!” They cried out.

He left me.

“MOMMY STOP THEM!” They cried.

He hurt me.  He left me. Zayn left me.

“He will be missed.”

I watched as they lowered him and started covering the coffin up.

“NO!” I screamed. “NO! NO! He’s not dead!”

I ran and dropped down to my knees crying. “ZAYN! ZAYN WHY’D YOU LEAVE ME?!”

I felt someone hug me from behind but I kept crying.

He left me.

He hurt me.

He let go.

He didn’t fight.

“WHY!?” I yelled. “ZAYN!”

“DADDY!” They cried again.

I felt the pain in my chest as my breaths became hard.


I smiled because I knew what was coming next. “Zayn…I’m…I’m c-coming…”


My heartbeats slowed down as my eyes slowly closed. “Zayn…”

“GRACIE! Gracie wake up!”

“I’m…I’m coming Zayn…”


My eyes shot open as I saw Harry above me with wide eyes. “W-Where am i?”

“Shorty, you’re at your house!”

Our Story (Zayn Malik AU Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now