Big Ben

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Please remember to vote! <3  (still flashback)

“Eleanor, do you know where my sneakers are?” I yelled from my room.

“Yeah they’re behind the couch!” She yelled back from the kitchen.

What the fuck? Behind the couch?

“How the hell did they end up behind the couch?” I asked as I came into the living room.

“Harry and Louis were messing around yesterday and Louis found them and threw them at Harry, who was behind the couch.”

Only Louis would do that.

“I swear sometimes I wonder how he’s older than us.” I say to her.

She laughs. “But that’s what makes him Louis.”

I shook my head smiling as I made my way back into my room. Today was Saturday, which meant two things. First, our classes start on Monday, which was two days from now and second, today we were going out for a tour of London.

You might be wondering who our tour guide is. Well, it’s the one and only Louis Tomlinson.

“Come on Gracie, we need to head to the boys apartment.” Eleanor called from the living room.


As I headed to the door, I grabbed my purse and phone taking a toast from the counter putting it in my mouth.

“Very ladylike babe.” El told me as I walked out of the apartment.

I shrugged since I couldn’t talk with the toast occupying my mouth. We walked in Louis and Zayn’s apartment to see everyone there.

“Where’s Zayn?” I asked.

“Good morning to you too.” Harry told me.

“Good morning. Where’s Zayn?”

“Sleeping.” Louis grumbled.

“Sleeping? Why the hell didn’t you wake him up?!” I asked him.

“Wake Zayn up? You know I fear for my life.”

“Oh my god! Stop being so dramatic. It isn’t that hard to wake him up.” I told him.

But we all knew that was one big lie.

“Come on Louis, go wake him up!” Harry told him.

“Why can’t Gracie do it?!”

“He might be naked under the covers.” Harry stated.

“We aren’t all like you.” Niall told him.

Louis grumbled as he got up and walked into Zayn’s room.

“Watch this.” Liam said smirking.


“OW! FUCK! WHAT THE HELL!” Louis yelled. “THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!” He kept yelling as he walked out with his hand on his head.

I covered my mouth to stop myself from laughing.

“He hit me on my head!” Louis stated the obvious. “Fuck him.”

“Niall, your turn.” Harry said.

At that moment, Niall stopped laughing as his eyes widened with fear. “Hell no.”

“Hell yeah. Now go!”

“Fuck you all.” He said as he walked into Zayn’s room.

3 seconds later, a crashing sound is heard and Niall comes running out. “Fucking hell. I swear I saw my life flash right before my eyes in there.”

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