"I'm Zayn"

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They looked at me with excitement as I started the story.

“Your dad was so shy when he was a little kid. It was very cute.”


“Harry, look it’s our new neighbors!” I told Harry.

He looked over at the little kid that was probably our age. The kid smiled shyly at us, waved and went inside his house.

“He’s shy.” Harry stated the obvious.


He glared at me and I laughed. “Let’s go over and play with him.”


“Kids, come inside, it’s time for your baths!” My mom said standing at the front door.

“Aw mommy! Can we please stay for a little more? We want to meet the new neighbor!” Harry cried.

“You’ll meet him tomorrow. It’s getting late. Come on kids.”

We walked inside with frowns on both of our faces.

“You take a bath first.” Harry told me.

I rolled my eyes at him. “You’re such a baby. We’ll meet him tomorrow. Just go get your pajamas ready curly.”

“Watch it shorty.” He fought back.

I giggled as he went upstairs to his room.

          The next day we got up early to get to school on time. I looked out the window to see that little kid in his mom’s car with a backpack. I hope we see him at school. I’ve never seen him at our school so he’s probably from another town.

“Come on Gracie! We’re going to be late!” My mom called from downstairs.

I got out of my room to see Harry walking out of his. He smiled at me.

“Ready for school?” I asked him.

“Never.” His simple answer made me laugh.

As Harry and I entered our school, we couldn’t help but feel nervous. We started school earlier than other kids because we were “smart” enough. So we’ve always been the youngest kids in our grade which was 6th grade. There were all these kids who were already 11 and turning 12 and here we were with 10 years of age and far from turning 11.

As usual, Harry and I stayed together for the whole time for two reasons.

Harry being the protective, older by 2 minutes, brother and me not wanting to confront our new neighbor alone if I happen to bump into him.

It was during lunch when Harry and I heard someone crying and others laughing. We looked around the corner to see 2 boys standing in front of a kid who was hiding his face and crying. Harry ran up to them as I followed him knowing his “anger issues” even if he was only 10.

“HEY! Leave him alone!” Harry yelled at the two boys.

They just laughed again as I looked at the boy trapped in the corner to realize it was our new neighbor.

“What’s going on here?” A voice said.

We all looked behind us to see one of the teachers walking towards us.

“These boys made him cry!” I told the teacher.

What else was I suppose to say? I’m only ten!

“You two come with me right now. You know we don’t tolerate bullying in this school!” The teacher yelled at the two boys.

As they left, Harry crouched down near our new neighbor who I still don’t know what his name is.

Our Story (Zayn Malik AU Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now