Stay Strong

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Gracie’s POV

“You guys ready?” I asked them.

“Yeah mommy!” Jane said as she put on her flip flops.

“Alright, come on.”

Our drive to the hospital was fast as usual as Jane and Jawaad were both fighting over something in the back and I was just concentrating on getting there and seeing Zayn.

As we made our way through the all too familiar plain white hall, Jawaad pulled my hand making me look down at him.

“What’s wrong baby?”

“Uncle Harry!” He yelled and ran.

I looked to where he was running and saw Harry already crouching ready to catch him.

“Uncle Harry!” Jane said with excitement.

I looked at my brother with a confused look on my face. He usually tells me when he’s coming to see Zayn. Why didn’t he say anything this time?

“Hey shorty.” He startled me.

I hadn’t noticed that he walked over.

“Harry…what are you doing here?”

“Nice way to greet your brother.”

I sighed still confused but hugged him. “I’m sorry but I’m just confused. You usually tell me that you’re coming here.”

“I know but I was out and I thought I’d stop by to see Zayn.”

“Why were you talking to the doctor?”

“I was just asking how he was. He told me the same thing he always says. Nothing’s changed.” He told me with sad eyes.

I sighed. “Um…yeah it’s always that same answer.”

“So are you here to continue your story?”

“Yeah the kids wanted to hear more so I thought I’d come here again.” I told him while looking down.

“Just…please stay strong?” He pleaded.

“I’ll try Harry.”

He kissed my forehead and each of the twin’s forehead. “Okay, I have to get going now. I have a few stuff to do but when you get home call me, okay? I’m sleeping over.”

I looked up at my brother with a smile. “Thank you Harry!”

“Anything to see that beautiful smile shorty.”

With that, he left and we went into Zayn’s room. Since the beginning of all this mess, seeing him connected to so many wires always made me break on the inside.

His jet black hair now grown out of its original style and so long, falling over the lids of his eyes. Those lids that hid the most amazing eyes that I have ever seen in this world. His beard is a bit long but every once in a while one of the nurses would shave it for him which would make me mad. They wouldn’t let me do it, scared as if I’ll hurt him. But then again, they have a point and I wouldn’t want to make the situation worse.

As usual, the kids greeted their father which pained me even more than I already am. I kissed his cheek and sat down on the chair next to him.

“Hey baby. I know you probably can’t hear us right now but we miss you so much. Please fight for us Zayn. Please.” I whispered into his ear.

“Mommy, are you gonna tell us how you and daddy fell in love?” Jane asked me.

“Well honey, you see, as your daddy and I grew up together, we fell in love every day. So it’s not just a short story baby girl. But don’t you want to know first how we met all your uncles?”

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