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(Back in the present! Remember to vote and comment ur thoughts!)

“Mommy, you were the top of your class?” Jane asked me.

I smiled at her and nodded. “Yes I was.”

“I want to be that too!” Jawaad said.

“Just study hard baby and that’s how you two will be the best.” I told them.

“I want to make daddy proud of me!” Jade said smiling.

My smile faltered for a second before I covered up my sadness. “I’m positive that he’s very proud of you two.”

It’s been a month since Harry took the kids over to his place for the weekend.

It’s been 3 weeks since the kids finished school and they were graduating kindergarten. They were more than happy to be doing so.

I heard a car horn and looked out the window to see the guys. I smiled and waved at all of them motioning for them to come in.

“SHORTY!” Harry yelled from downstairs.

“Uncle Hawwwyy!” Jade yelled while running down the stairs.

“JayJay!” I heard him yell.

I grabbed Jawaad’s hand as I walked downstairs. “Hey guys.”

“Hello, Love.” Louis said as he kissed my forehead. “How’ve you been?”

“Um…I’ve been good, I guess.”

“Jawaad, why didn’t you run to me like your sister?” Harry asked him.

“I was holding mama’s hand to make sure she didn’t fall!”

I laughed. “Yeah, that’s why you were holding my hand.”

“Ready to go shopping?” El asked me.

We all agreed on going to the mall today for two reasons. The first was that I wanted to get the kids clothes for their graduation and the second was that everyone wanted to hang out together.

“Yeah.” I simply answered.

As we walked outside, I saw Niall and Liam fighting over something.

“What’s up guys?” Louis asked them.

“Liam ate my chips!” Niall whined like a 5 year old kid.

“Oh suck it up, there were two more left in there and I ate them.” Liam defended himself.

“It’s the same thing!”

“No it isn’t!”

“Yes it is!”



“Fucking hell how are you two fucking 26?!” Harry yelled.

“Uncle Niall, I have another bag of chips in my backpack!” Jane told him as she opened her backpack and took out the chips. She handed it to Niall and he smiled at her.

“Thank you Jane!” He said excitedly as he ripped open the bag of chips.

“My fiancé everyone.” Rachel said as she pointed at Niall, faking her proudness.

“And you’re fucking proud of that too!” He said with his mouth full of chips.

“No doubt about it babe.” She told him as she patted his back and he smiled like a 5 year old boy getting an action figure for his birthday.

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