"I love you too, Picasso."

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(Warning: A sexual, not all the way sexual scene is coming up in this chapter :P)

(OH AND read the authors note at end or where it says IMPORTANT! And please answer me in comments because I want to know your opinions so read the A/N!)

As I entered the apartment, a smile made its way on my face. It’s a good thing we decided to get everything in place before we actually came to live here.

“Let’s put away the clothes in the bag and go see what the others want to eat.” El told me.

I nodded as I started putting the rest of my clothes away in my room.

Our apartment had two bedrooms with a kitchen that was opened up to the living room and one bathroom.

“Knock Knock.”

I turned around and smiled. “Hey babe.”

He came over and wrapped his arms around me. “How’s my girl?”

I blushed. “Considering you saw her just 10 minutes ago, she’s fine.”

He chuckled. “I missed her.”

“Well, then it’s a good thing you live across the hall from her.”

“Just during the day, but don’t tell anyone.” He whispered.

I laughed. “Funny.”

“Did you know there was a tattoo parlor just a few minutes from here?” He told me with as his eyes were filled with excitement.

“You know, I find tattoos very sexy.” I whispered in his ears.

His grip tightened. “Oh, really now?”

I nodded as I traced the microphone tattoo on his arm. “They give you this bad boy image and it’s hot.”

He smirked. “Trying to turn me on, Styles?”

I blushed. “Only if it’s working.”

He pushed me up against the wall. “Oh, it’s working babe.” He said as he lowered his head and attacked my neck making me close my eyes.

“I. Fucking. Love. You.” He said between kisses.

All that came out in response was a moan.

Fuck. Did I just moan? Oh my god.

This is fucking embarrassing.

No it isn’t, dumbass. It’s natural.

Zayn came up and started kissing me. Not in the normal soft way, no. But the total opposite. He was rough. And I was fucking turned on.

I grabbed a fistful of his shirt on his back and I kissed him back with the same intensity. He bit my lip and I moaned in response, allowing him to have full access to my mouth. His hands went down to my butt and he squeezed lightly making me jump up and wrap my legs around his waist. He continued kissing me as he was walking to the bed.

He didn’t break the kiss as he sat on the bed, making me straddle him. I pulled away for a few seconds to take his shirt off and then connected our lips quickly as he laid down on the bed. I felt him grow harder under me and I was getting more turned on by the second.

He flipped us over so that he was on top and grabbed the hem of my shirt, looking at me waiting for my approval.


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