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(Please read the author's note at the end)


"Should we wake them up?" 

"No! I want to take a picture first!"

"Of course that's what you want to do, Eleanor." 

"Shut up Niall."

"Let's put shaving cream on their faces."

"You know, for being 19 years old, you're so childish Louis." 

"Shut up Harry. Shouldn't you be mad at this sight?" 

"As if i didn't know that they like each other? Better Zayn than anyone else."

I groaned. "Can you guys shut the hell up." 

"She's awake..." Louis said. 

"Fucking hell, why are you guys here so early." Zayn asked them.

"It's one in the afternoon Zayn." Liam stated.

"Exactly. Early." 

They laughed.

"Just keep your eyes closed, maybe they'll leave." Zayn whispered to me.

"We heard that. You got two seconds to get up before i actually do something and wake you two up my way." Louis said.

I opened my eyes and glared at Louis. "Happy?!"


Zayn groaned and sat up.

"We have good news." Harry said smiling. "You're going home today." 

Half an hour after that, the doctor came in and told me that i can leave. I got in the car with Harry as the others got in their cars. 



"About you and Zayn." 

I groaned. "Harry please. You know that i like him alot ok? Don't tell me to stay away from him."

He chuckled. "Shorty, i wasn't going to say that. I just want you to be careful. I know that Zayn is good and that he really likes you, but i just dont want you to get your heart broken." 

I smiled at my brother. "Do you know that you're the best?"

He smirked. "I've been told a couple of times."

When i got home, i was greeted by my mom. 

"Honey, we need to talk."


Her and Harry sat in front of me. 

"What happened...we need to talk about that. Honey, i don't want you to think that self harm is your solution. We're here for you. Honey, you scared us to death. Do you know what would have happened to me if you didn't make it?"

I had tears in my eyes. "Mom, i'm so sorry. I just...I wasn't thinking and i was in so much pain from their words."

Harry sat next to me and wrapped his arms around me. "You know that i'm always here for you. Just come talk to me when you feel like you're upset."

"I will."



After that talk, I got up to take a shower. I couldn't stop thinking about my date with Zayn but I didn't know when it'll be. I still can't believe he likes me. Just remembering what happened yesterday in that hospital makes me all happy inside. 

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