"I love you"

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Looking in front of me, I was at loss for words. I can’t believe he did this.

Between the two trees that connected at their branches, making it look like an arc, was a table set up for two. Two candles were lit with two covered dishes. Wrapped around the trees were what looked like Christmas lights making the scenery absolutely beautiful. The light illuminating from the moon together with the different colored lights wrapped around the tree made the water look like it was coming out of a painting. Hell, the whole scenery in front of me looked like it was a painting.

But the most important out of everything was that Zayn picked the place that we usually come to so we can just escape from everything. Carved on these two trees right here, were our initials. That is what made this amazing.

I hadn’t noticed that tears were rolling down my cheek until I felt Zayn’s hand wipe some of them away.

“What’s wrong, Love?”

“Zayn…This…it’s just so beautiful. All of this is amazing. I can’t believe you did all of this.”

He smiled. “I wanted to make it a special night.”

“And that, you did.” I smiled at him.

“Let’s start our dinner?” He asked.

I giggled. “Let’s.”

He pulled out the chair for me. Oh, what a gentleman you are, Zayn Malik. “Thank you.”

He bent down and kissed my forehead in response.

I could feel my face getting hot and the pink on my cheeks slowly becoming visible.

He sat down and looked over at me. “I just hope you like the food.”

“Did you make them?”

He nodded and I smiled. “Then of course I’ll like the food.”

I was about to take the cover off the dish when he grabbed my hand. “Wait.”

I looked at him confused.

“Waiter!” He called out.

My eyes got wide. Waiter? Did he really get a waiter?

At that moment, I saw someone walking over to us holding something in his hands. I couldn’t see his face until he came closer to us and then my hand flew up to my mouth to stop myself from laughing.

“Good evening, my name is Louis Tomlinson and I’ll be your waiter for the night.”

I coughed trying to hide my laugh. He glared at me.

“And?” Zayn asked him.

He then glared at Zayn and sighed. “What can I get you to drink?”

“I’d like some Wine please.” Zayn told him.

“You didn’t say that when we came here! Where am I supposed to find Wine right now?!” Louis said getting mad.

And again, my hand flew up to my mouth holding in my laugh looking at the two exchange glances.

What made everything funnier was the fact that Louis was actually wearing the outfit a waiter would wear. Black pants, white buttoned up shirt with an apron around his waist.

“I think I got some in the cooler.” Zayn said calmly.

“Little fucker.” Louis mumbled.

“Heard that.” Zayn said smirking.

“And what would you like to drink, ma’am?” He asked me.

I looked up at him. “Whatever is in that cooler, non-alcoholic?”

Our Story (Zayn Malik AU Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now