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It’s been one whole week.

One whole fucking week of trying to apologize to Louis and him ignoring me. He would either pretend to be busy or he’ll just leave when I’m there. To be honest, I’m getting fucking annoyed from all of this.

I’ve been taking the anti-depressants for a week now and to be honest, I don’t feel that much different. There has been progress but it’s only been one week so I just have to be patient. But Louis fucking Tomlinson isn’t helping me with the whole patient project.

“Okay Linda, just tell me if you want someone else to work with you. I have no problem hiring someone to work with you if it gets too busy.” I told my employee.

“No, Mrs. Malik. Everything is fine and people are being patient with me. Sometimes Alex stays behind and helps me for an hour or so but it’s all fine.”

“Okay, remember if anyone comes in with a written prescription, don’t give them anything until you call the doctor first.”

“So far the prescriptions have been faxed to me from the doctor’s offices or the hospitals.”

“Okay good. If you need anything just call me.” I told her.

“Don’t worry Mrs. Malik.”

I smiled at her. “Thank you for being patient with me these past few months. At the end of this month, expect a new and higher pay check.”

“Oh no Mrs. Malik, please don’t…”

I cut her off. “No don’ts okay? Now, I have somewhere to be and like I said, if you need anything just call me and I’ll come right away.”

She nodded. “Have a good day.”

“You too sweetie.” I told her as I left my pharmacy.

Yes, I have a pharmacy. Before the accident, I would stay there in the mornings and in the afternoon I would teach pharmacy classes as the University, but now I don’t have time for that or honestly, I just don’t have the energy.

I could leave the kids with my mom or Tricia for the afternoon but I just don’t have the energy to teach right now. I’m just grateful that Linda has been patient with me and working extra hours or I don’t know what would have happened.

I got in my car and drove to Louis and Eleanor’s house. I was going to get him to talk and it was going to be today. As I pulled up to his house, I saw that Niall and Liam’s cars were there.

Really? They’re all together and didn’t even bother to call me? Was he really that mad?

I got out of the car and knocked on the door angrily. A few seconds later Louis opened the door only to be slapped by me.

“What the fuck?!” He yelled.

“No, you fucking listen to me Louis Tomlinson.” I said as I walked inside to see Liam and Niall there with wide eyes.

“What if I don’t want to fucking listen?! What are you doing here anyway? Eleanor isn’t here.”

“Louis…” Niall stood up.

“Stay out of this.” We both yelled at him.

“Listen to me. I’ve been trying to apologize for a week now and you’re being too childish to even listen to me. I’m sorry okay?! But what was I supposed to do? My husband is in a coma and I’m not going to go around laughing and smiling all the time. I know how to act in front of my children and I do a pretty damn good job at that and it would be fucking normal for me to have break downs! I’m trying to fix everything and I’m taking the damn pills but you’re making it too hard for me to fix anything with you acting so fucking bratty. So can you stop being so childish and just forgive me?”

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