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I looked at my two kids as I finished dressing them up for their graduation from kindergarten. I smiled as tears were threatening to expose my sadness.

“You two look absolutely stunning.” I told them as I bent down to their level and hugged them both.

“Mommy, can we go see daddy before going to school?” Jane asked me.

“And why is that Honey? You don’t want to be late do you?”

She shrugged. “We want to see daddy first.”

I smiled at her. “Of course.”

---------- THIRD PERSON POV: (New, eh? Lol.)

As Gracie was driving down the all too familiar street to the hospital, she kept taking a few glances back at her kids. She couldn’t get over how absolutely beautiful they both looked. She also couldn’t get over the fact that everyone would have both their mom and dad while they would only have their mom. She hated it when her kids felt like they were less than everyone else because of their situation, but she was doing all she could to stop it.

Thankfully, for the past couple of weeks she had been taking her medication and was actually getting better. But better in which sense? Sure, she wasn’t crying all the time and she wasn’t moping around like before, but that emptiness that he caused was still there.

She opened the door to Zayn’s hospital room, allowing both of her kids to walk in before her. They immediately ran to their unconscious father’s side as each one took a hand in theirs.

“Daddy…” Jawaad spoke up. “Today we’re graduating Kindergarten! We’re big kids now!”

“Yeah daddy!” Jane exclaimed. “But we wish you could be there with mommy.”

At this point, Gracie was doing all she could to not cry as she watched her kids talk to their father.

“Even though we won’t see you there, we know you’ll be there with us.” Jawaad spoke, too wise for his age. “We love you daddy.”

The three looked at their loved one laying there unconscious on the bed, waiting for him to respond, but that didn’t happen which broke their hearts. But Gracie knew she couldn’t let her kids be sad on their graduation day. She wouldn’t allow that.

“We’ll video tape the whole thing so when daddy wakes up, he’ll see it.” She told her kids as they perked up from those words. Jane and Jawaad each kissed their father’s cheeks and hopped off the chairs as Gracie kissed his forehead.

“We’re waiting for you, baby.” She whispered to him, not sure if he could hear her.

But that’s just the thing. Zayn was able to hear every single word. He had been hearing their words from the second Gracie began telling her kids their story. He could hear it all, but he just didn’t know how to show them that as he was trapped in a room full of darkness with voices all around him. The voices of his loved ones.

And that broke Zayn. He wanted to reach out to them so bad, but he didn’t have the strength. Sometimes, he would build up the strength to move his hand, but after that, his energy level would go back to zero and it would take a while for it to get back to 100.

I’m already here! Gracie I’m with you! He yelled. But it was no point because those words never left his brain from his lips. They stayed with him in that room of darkness he hated.

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