Life Isn't Fair

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Harry’s POV:

Never in my lifetime have I experienced emotional pain like right now. The run from in front of the house to the wrecked car felt like an hour and everything was becoming more and more blurry in front of me.

As I got to the car, Gracie was unconscious with her head on the steering wheel.

“GRACIE!” I yelled as I tried opening the door.

It was jammed. “FUCK!” I ran to the passenger side of the car and got in. “Gracie, shorty answer me.”


I took my shirt off and pressed it against her head where the blood was coming out like a fucking waterfall.

“Shorty…please answer me!”


“Gracie…Gracie keep your eyes open do you hear me?!”


“Yes you can Gracie! The ambulance will be here in a minute just hold on baby girl. Hold on.”

“MOMMY!” I heard jawaad screaming.

“T-Take t-them…”


As I looked at Eleanor, I knew it was pointless saying anything to her. She was frozen, like she was the day Zayn and Gracie got in the accident.

“Gracie, stay with me ok?! Don’t close those eyes Grace!” Louis spoke to her from the other side of the car.

“M-my hand…”

My eyes widened as I caught sight of her hand. I held onto the door as I felt myself getting dizzy.

“Harry! The ambulance is here!” I heard Liam shout.

I carried her to the ambulance and the paramedics took her from me.

“Harry, you go with them, we’ll follow you to the hospital!” Louis told me.

I nodded as I got into the ambulance. “Grace…”

She looked over at me and I felt like my world was crashing down. I remember that look. It was the same look she gave me when she woke up and found out that Zayn was in a coma.

“M-maybe…I can…see Zayn…”

“NO! No! You fucking listen to me Gracie Styles. You fucking keep your eyes open and you stay here with me do you understand!?”

“Drive faster! She’s losing a lot of blood!” One of the paramedics yelled to the driver.

“Her arm is broken, we need to get that bone back in place.”

“If we don’t give her an anesthetic she could die from the pain. She’s too tired to handle that!”

“Don’t fucking touch my sister until you get to the hospital!” I yelled.

I looked at her and saw that she was closing her eyes. “Gracie! Hey, listen to me.” She opened her eyes a little. “Remember when we first moved to London and how we were supposed to be taking a tour of it when we got lost?”

A small smile made a way onto her face.

“Do you remember how Louis kept making fun of us the whole time and wouldn’t let us forget it?” I added. “Hey Hey…don’t close those pretty eyes of yours! Stay with me Gracie! I can’t lose my sister!”

The ambulance door opened up as they rolled her out of the truck and into the hospital quickly as I ran behind them.

“Sir, you can’t go in there!” The nurse stopped me as they took her into the ER.

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