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(Please vote! And read author’s note at the end, very important! Prologue for the new zayn book is up! its in my works so go check it out! its called secrets! VOTE on it if you want me to continue it!)




One second I felt as if a ton of bricks were holding me down, blocking me from making any move, and the next second it was as if all the weight that held me down suddenly vanished.

I heard her talking to me.

It was as if the moment she finished telling our story, everything that held me down was disappearing, one by one.

I need to open my eyes. I can’t let them suffer more than they already have. Please God, give me the strength.

God, give me the strength to wake up and be by my family. Their sadness is killing me.

I need to see my kids. I need to be with them as they grow up. I need to be with my wife and shower her with love every single second of the day. I need to take away all the depression and replace it with happiness.

Think of them. An unfamiliar voice spoke. Think of your kids, your wife, friends, parents, siblings, and think of every single person that you love. Think of them Zayn. Think…

The beeping noise that I always heard in the background suddenly got louder and louder as if the cause of the noise was right next to me. The weight suddenly lifted off of me, I felt sore.

“Ugh…” I groaned.

I groaned…

A noise came out of my mouth.

Open your eyes…The voice spoke again.

Then I noticed that I was squeezing my eyes shut. I relaxed as my eyes started fluttering open until I was able to open them all the way.

I sucked in a sharp breath as I realized that I was awake. I’m awake. I’m fucking awake!

I slowly took in my surrounding as my eyes adjusted to the low light that was left on. “Thank you God.” I whispered as I felt tears trickling down my cheek.

I tried moving my hand when it hit something. Confused, I turned my head to the side and it that was the cue as my heart beats sped up. Her eyebrows furrowed together as if she was having a bad dream, with some of her now blonde hair falling over her face.

The love of my life.

The reason for my existence.

I slowly raised my hand as I moved her hair away from her face, the contact of my hand on her soft skin sending sparks throughout my whole body. Her lips in the same adorable pout they always would be when she would be sleeping, making more tears roll down my cheeks. I pressed my hands softly to her lips, as electricity shot through my body from the sweet touch.

“Gracie…” I whispered.

I knew for a fact she wasn’t going to wake up due to the fact she had taken a painkiller because of her migraine. I heard it all since the moment she came in here with our kids, wanting to tell them our story.

I looked at the Sharpie still in her hand and smiled, slowly grabbing it as I tried to sit up. My whole body ached as I forced myself to sit up and after failing multiple times, I was finally able to do it.

I slowly grabbed her hand that in a cast, careful not to wake her up and finished the microphone she was drawing.

It felt good to be able to move. Most of the soreness I felt when I first woke up has decreased as the sun was rising. I knew she would be waking up soon and I just hope she’ll understand when she sees the finished drawing on her hand. I slowly laid back down on my back, trying to make it seem as if I had never woken up.

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