Don't give up

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(In third person POV):

“Zayn, we need to see if you can walk.” The doctor said.

At that moment, all the smiles and laughs vanished as the tension and worry in the room grew with every second.

“W-What do you mean…see if I can walk?” Zayn asked the doctor, emphasizing on the word “walk”.

The doctor sighed as he looked at a worried Zayn. “Mr. Malik, some people are able to walk normally after being in a coma as long as you have and others have trouble. They need physical therapy to help them walk again.”

Gracie looked at Zayn who was looking at the floor, unable to look up. She knew she couldn’t cry right now. She knew she had to be strong for him.

“Come on, mate. We’ll help you get up.” Liam told Zayn who was about to break down.

“I don’t need anyone’s help. I can walk by myself. Thanks, Liam.”

Even though he knew he needed their help, he couldn’t admit it. Not in front of his kids. Not in front of his wife. Not in front of anybody.

After much struggle, Zayn was able to sit up and dangle his feet from the hospital bed.

“Zayn, let them he—“

“Grace. I don’t need help.” He cut her off, through gritted teeth. He slowly and carefully got off the bed, positive that he would be able to at least stand up on his own.

But that thought was washed away as soon as he let go of the bed, his feet unable to support him as he fell to the floor making everyone gasp.

“Zayn!” Gracie cried as she ran to him.

But Zayn couldn’t look up. He couldn’t meet their eyes. He was embarrassed of himself. He was sick of himself.

“Daddy!” He heard Jane scream.

He closed his eyes, trying to stop the tears from exposing his emotions. “Take. Them. Out.” He demanded.

Gracie was trying to help him up when he snatched his arm away. “I. Don’t. Need. Help.”

“Zayn…” She tried to reason with him.

But what was the point? He was ashamed of himself. He couldn’t even walk. Or stand. Something to simple as standing and he couldn’t even do it.

What a disappointment of a dad…a husband…a friend. He thought about himself.

“If everyone can leave, so the patient can try again.” The doctor said.

As they all followed the doctor’s orders and left, taking the twins with them into the lobby, Gracie stayed.

She was stubborn. She wasn’t going to leave him at a time like this, no matter what he would say or do.

“Gracie, go.” Zayn whispered.

“I’m not leaving.” She said through tears. “I’m not leaving you.”

“Come on, Mr. Malik. Give it one more try, this time Gracie will help you.”

The nurse and Gracie helped Zayn up, whose head was still hung low, ashamed to look at any of them.

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