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Before Zayn and I got together, I would always imagine how we would be if we were in a relationship. Everyone always says that what you expect is not what actually happens and it’s usually not half as good as your imagination.

That’s bullshit.

Our relationship was way better than what I had imagined. Even though the guys teased him about being a softie, I loved it. He was as sweet and romantic as I thought and even more. He wouldn’t let a minute pass by without letting me know how much he loved me.

A month had passed and we were better than ever. But this time, it wasn’t our relationship I was thinking about.

“Niall, you guys have gone on four dates now, what are you waiting for?” I asked him.

“I’m scared. I’ve never felt this way before and I just don’t want to ruin anything.”

I sighed. “Okay. How about I ask her how she feels about you in class?”

“Yeah! Do that!”

I smiled. “I’ll see you after class.”

He kissed my forehead. “You’re the most amazing friend I’ve ever had!”

I laughed. “Thank you and go! You’re going to be late for your class.”

He left and I walked to my class. I saw that the seat by Rachel was empty. Perfect. I went and sat by her.

“Hey Rachel.”

She smiled at me. “Hey Gracie. How are you?”

“I think I should be asking you that question?”

She blushed. “I don’t know what you mean.”

I laughed. “Come on! You guys have been on four dates, one being a double date with Zayn and I. I saw how you looked at him.”

“Okay I really like Niall. He’s like…he’s just amazing. And I have a thing for Irish boys.”

I laughed. “He likes you a lot.”

“But he hasn’t asked me to be his girlfriend yet. I don’t know what to do.”

“Oh believe me, that won’t last long.”

“What do you mean?”

“Can’t say anything else. Teacher’s coming.”

She glared at me and I laughed.

I always loved Biology and never got bored in class. But I kept thinking about my admission to the University of London. It’s been two months and a lot of people have been getting letters except me. Zayn still hasn’t got his and that’s making us both worry.

As for the others, they also applied there but different departments. Liam wants to be a math teacher while Harry wants to be a business man, like Louis. I really can’t imagine anyone working with these two.

Niall actually applied to the English department along with Zayn and got his acceptance letter a week ago which made Zayn worry even more. What made Niall even happier is that Rachel is going there to study Biology.

Louis and Eleanor are currently finishing their final exams at the University of London. Eleanor is studying politics and sociology and Louis is actually acing his exams.

Dani left to go back to dance school about a month ago and will be back in two weeks to start off the summer with us.

Harry and Liam got their acceptance letters to the University of London a few days ago and I’m happy for them because they’re going to do what they dream of.

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