Couldn't be any happier

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“Do you want to start explaining why the hell you did that instead of coming and talking to me?” He asked me, his eyes narrowing.

“Zayn, I’m in a hospital bed. It’s not a time for your glares.”

“Oh you’re not getting out of this one. Gracie I’m your best friend. Why didn’t you stop and talk to me? Why did you run away from me? Do you know how much it fucking hurt when I saw you like that in the bathroom? If I didn’t follow you home what the hell would have happened? You would have died! Don’t you know how much you mean to us all? How much you mean to me?”

“Oh really? Then why the hell would Robert and Amy tell me that you’re only friends with me because you feel sorry for me?”

“Seriously? You actually believed them? Are you kidding me right now?! We’ve been best friends for 7 years now and you actually go and believe them?”

Okay now I feel stupid. Why did I believe them?


“No you know what? You’re going to shut up and listen to me Grace.”

Shit. It’s always bad when he calls me “Grace.”

“Look, I’ve always tried to tell you this but I’m always too much of a coward to actually do that. I’ve practiced this so many times in front of the mirror trying to make it perfect and believe me everything I’m saying right now was not part of the perfect plan of asking you. I don’t want to be your friend Gracie. I want to be something more than that but I don’t want our friendship to be destroyed if it doesn’t work out and that’s the main reason I’ve always been too much of a coward. When…When you get out of the hospital, I want to take you out on a date. We’ll see how it works out, I mean I think it’ll work out great because I really like you Gracie and I don’t know if you like me because if you don’t then it’s fine bu---“

“ZAYN!” I cut off his adorable babbling. “Yes, I’ll go on a date with you.”

“Okay, I know you don’t like m---huh?!” He said with wide eyes.

I giggled. “You’re too cute.” My hands flew to my mouth as realization hit me. Did I just tell him that?

He smirked. “Cute eh? Not sexy?”

Oh my god! Are we really talking about this?

“Shut up.”

“Hey, I just told you that I liked you a lot. You could at least answer this question for me.”

“But I told you that I like you too.”

“That doesn’t count. You had to say if you did or not because it was needed. Now answer me. Do you find me sexy?”

“Oh my god! Zayn just stop!” I said with my hands hiding my face.

He grabbed my hands and brought them down. “Don’t cover that beautiful face of yours, Love.”

My face looked like a fucking tomato. Is he really saying this to me right now? Fucking hell. Zayn Malik likes me and thinks I’m beautiful. If he wasn’t in front of me I would have been jumping up and down and doing my stupid dance.

“Do you want to answer me anytime soon?”

“Okay! Yes I think you’re sexy. Hell, men even think you’re sexy Zayn.”

He chuckled. “Well, thank you. But you didn’t have to add that last part.”

I laughed. “It’s true.”

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