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Last chapter :'( omg I can't believe this! Read author's note for information about the sequel and another chapter of "secrets" is up!


"Gracie, you need to go to the doctor." Rachel told me, as Lou was fixing her hair.

I smiled at her. "I'll go tomorrow. Let's just enjoy your wedding today!"

"But it would be even better if we know that you're officially pregnant. You've been throwing up non-stop and still haven't taken the test." Sophia told me.

"I want to go to the doctor's office. I don't want to get my hopes up from a false test."

"It's been two months since Zayn woke up, I'm pretty sure you're pregnant." Eleanor joked.

I glared at her. "It's like magic. Once your fucking last name is Tomlinson, you inherit the sass."

She smiled proudly. "And it's like magic. When your last name becomes Malik, the word 'fucking' is put into every sentence, three times."

I laughed at that. "Zayn does say it a lot."

"It's good to see you happy again." Lexi told me. "We've finally come across happiness and its here to stay. Something that hasn't happened in so long."

"Don't jinx it." Lou told her as we laughed.


As I walked down the aisle, I looked at Zayn, who was standing beside Niall. The way his eyes grew brighter as he saw me made me feel so special. He smiled his signature smile as I reached the end and stood beside Eleanor as we waited for Rachel to walk down.

Niall was shitting his pants. He looked like a lost puppy and it was adorable and funny at the same time. But you could tell all the nervousness washed away as soon as the doors opened, revealing a gorgeous Rachel.

As the priest was talking, I glanced over at Zayn, who was looking at me. The moment my eyes locked with his, he bit his lip as his eyes racked my body. I knew exactly what he was thinking as I saw him sweep his tongue over his lips.

Doesn't he fucking know what he does to me when he does these kinds of things?

"Stop eye fucking in front of everyone." Eleanor whispered to me, making me blush.

"I was not."

"Listen to the priest, both of you!" Lexi whispered.

I bit my lip, preventing myself from laughing as I concentrated on the couple.


Eleanor and I were clutching our stomach, about to fall from laughing so hard at Zayn and Louis.

They couldn't dance for shit.

Good Life by One Republic was playing as the two were in the middle of the dance floor doing Louis' famous dance moves.

Pat the dog and screw the light bulb.

Stop the traffic and let them through.

And let's not forget Zayn's famous hand move. The one where he's fingering the damn air.

They looked so damn stupid yet so adorable.

But Zayn stopped dancing as soon as he saw Jane and Theo dancing together, making Louis literally fall on the floor while laughing.

As for Harry, he was fucking twerking. TWERKING.

I looked over at Lexi who hid her face in her hands, embarrassed by his dancing, as I heard Liam cracking up.

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