Chapter 1- The Rise of the Prankster

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Thank you explosive-cupquake, Dragonheart3606, and Allforthatgay for helping me create my first Oumasai story.


It is summer vacation. Everybody is happy that they survived their hell in high school.

Kokichi, Shuichi, and Rantaro are hanging out in Kaito's house.

The four boys were making themselves food in the kitchen. Kaito is making himself a lemonade drink, homemade style.

"Thank god, I don't have to deal with Mr. Buns. He's soooo annoying!" Kokichi sighs in annoyance.

"Who's Mr. Buns?" Kaito asked.

"He's my trigonometry teacher and I hated him! He really has no sense of humor! One time, before we start the first test, I told the joke to the class that his nickname should be Mr. Thicc Buns." He said.

Rantaro and Kaito chuckles. Shuichi lightly giggles.

"Then, my math teacher gets angry and gives me an F on my test. I didn't even get started on my test.I told him it was just a joke but noooooo! Mr. Buns told me that-"

Kokichi mimics his teacher's voice. "I will not allow any humorous jokes in my class, young man!"

This makes the trio laugh harder.

"Your teacher sure sounds boring. I guess he's the type who hates humor and is serious all the time." Rantaro said as he finishes making his tuna salad.

"I even found out that I'll have him in history class when I come back from the vacation." Kokichi groans.

"Oof! That sounds awful." Shuichi said, as he makes his peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Kokichi just gets the ramen noodles container (the microwaveable one) and puts it in the microwave for 3 minutes.

Kaito just got fried chickens from Popeyes. He finishes making his lemonade by adding sugar to his drink.

The four boys brought their food to the dining table and sits down.

"You guys have any plans for the summer vacation?" The ultimate astronaut asked.

"I'm going to see a horror movie with Shuichi this Wednesday." Rantaro said and takes a bite of his tuna salad.

"That's great, Rantaro." Kaito said and sips his lemonade.

Suddenly, Kaito's eyes were widened and spits out his drink.

"BLEUUUGH!" He said as he spits out the drink out of  his mouth.

Shuichi, Kokichi, and Rantaro laughs. Kaito gets angry.

"Why the hell does my drink taste salty!?" He yells.

Then, Kaito glares at Kokichi. It was obvious that it was the ultimate supreme leader since he loves to prank people.

"i know it's you, you little shit! Admit it!" Kaito shouts and points a finger at Kokichi.

Kokichi sips his panta and looks at Kaito, with a grin.

"Hm? You think it's me who did it? To tell you the truth, it was me." Kokichi say.

Anger by this, Kaito grabs Kokichi by the collar of his shirt, ready to punch him in the face.

"I'll punch the shit out of you right now!" He said as he raises his arm.

"Woah! Calm down man!" Rantaro said as he tries to restrain the ultimate astronaut from punching Kokichi.

"Rantaro is right, you idiot! It's a lie. I didn't do it and I'm totally telling you guys the truth." The purple haired boy said.

Kaito is shocked and puts down Kokichi.

'That's unbelievable! Everybody knows that Kokichi loves to do pranks but for him to say he didn't do it...I can't believe he actually said that. ' Kaito thought.

He then looks at Rantaro, thinking it's him. However, the ultimate adventurer knew what Kaito is thinking.

"i know what you're thinking and it wasn't me thanks to my psychic ability." Rantaro said.

"Woah! You just read my mind! That's awesome you have psychic skills." Kaito said, happily.

"I'm just kidding. I just have really good intuition. That's all." The green haired boy chuckles.

"Okay so I know that it wasn't Kokichi and you who did it. There's no way that Shuichi could have done it since he doesn't like pranks. So how did this happened?" Kaito said as he scratches his head.

"Maybe you grab the wrong container when you weren't looking, Kaito." Shuichi replied.

"You're right, Shuichi! i guess I wasn't paying attention and grab the wrong container. I'll just make another lemonade again. This time, with the sugar." He said and went to make another drink.

After he made another drink, Kaito sits down with them again and they finished their lunch. Shuichi had to leave early because he has to help his uncle solve another case.

They said goodbye to Shuichi and the blue-haired teen left. Only Rantaro and Kaito clean the dirty dishes.

When Kaito questions Kokichi about why he doesn't wanna do the dishes, he receives a scared response from him.

"I-I just don't wanna deal with sloppy messes! It's that too hard to ask!?" Kokichi said as sweats drops from his forehead.

Kaito just shrugs and continues to clean the dishes with Rantaro. Once the dishes are all cleaned, Rantaro and Kokichi said goodbye to Kaito and left.

Rantaro heads back to his apartment so he can hang out with Kiyo while Kokichi heads back to his house to play video games.

The ultimate supreme leader can't help to think about what happened at Kaito's house.

'There's no way that Kaito accidentally picked the wrong container. Someone must have pulled a prank on that idiot. But who? ' Kokichi thought as he finally arrives at house.

"Ah! Home sweet home! Now I wonder what video game I should p-"

Just as He was about to reach the door knob, he steps on the marbles.

"AHHH!" Kokichi yells as he slips from the marbles he steps on and fell down on the sidewalk. Luckily, he landed on his small thicc butt.

Kokichi looks at the sidewalk and it was marbles scattered everywhere.

"I just got pranked! Whoever is this mysterious prankster?" Kokichi dramatically pouts as he gets up and grabs all the marbles from the sidewalk.

Then, he went inside his house so he can play video games.

What Kokichi doesn't know is that someone is hiding behind the bushes, giggling.

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